Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-05
- @coder32768 Grow these Star Apple, Miracle Fruit. Sorry, they’re not awful. in reply to coder32768 #
- RT @veevi: Microblogging is losing its charm; the interrupt level is a drain on my productivity. It’s like a constant game of mental #
- RT @veevi: whack-a-mole. #
- @creativemuffin would that be useful to the greater facebook community? Don’t facebookers have rss feeds and the ability to view web pages? in reply to creativemuffin #
- @creativemuffin I just don’t want any more virtual facebook sushi. It left a bad tas… It was dumb. in reply to creativemuffin #
- @coreyfro not soft serial, I’m using the arduino lcddisplay.h library to talk directly to hd44780 with 4-bit interface in reply to coreyfro #
- @coder32768 charlotte says to me, “you know what would be cool is if he quit twittering and started blogging again.” in reply to coder32768 #
- Scottevest #