Archive for 2008

Fire, heh!

From the first time I spun fire, a few weeks ago.


GunVault Manual

Here is the manual for my GunVault model GV1000C – Mini – Deluxe. I include it here so I can’t forget how to program the darn thing.

BTW, I’m very happy with my Gun Vault. It’s convenient to take to the range because I just throw the thing in the car and go. I like that it’s legal to leave a GunVault in my front seat if I choose to.

I also like that I can leave it sitting in the open on a shelf, right next to my bed and it doesn’t look like A GUN! A GUN!, it looks like just another little non-descript box on my shelf. I get instant access, visitors don’t, and no one is potentially turned off by its presence.

Criticisms: The manual says to replace the 8 AA batteries every year. For what it does, a set of batteries should last pretty much forever… Alkalines would last 5+ years. Maybe they do and the manual is just being cautious. Another criticism:  the screws holding the battery compartment came loose on me and the batteries fell out after I brought it to the range. I put them back in with washers so that shouldn’t be a problem any more.

Happy Cheese Weasel Day!

As most people probably aren’t aware, tomorrow (April 3rd) is Cheese
Weasel Day!   Happy Cheese Weasel Day to you!

In honor of this momentous holiday, here is the Cheese Weasel FAQ:

Q: What the heck is Cheese Weasel Day?

Every year, on April 3rd, the Cheese Weasel travels the world,
spreading good cheer and leaving a bit of cheese under the keyboards
of all good little boys and girls in the high tech industry.

Q: What kind of cheese does the Cheese Weasel leave?

Kraft Singles were once the cheese of choice, although as time went by,
the type of cheese became less important than the spreading of
dairy goodness and the types and shapes of cheese given by the Cheese Weasel
became varied. This was considered to be a Good Thing, especially considering
how often most people look under their keyboards.

Q: You made this up didn’t you?

Nope, I didn’t make this up.

C.W. Day is a holiday that evolved on the Internet, probably sometime
in the last eight to ten years. The first I heard of it was in 1992,
and it’s being celebrated quietly by dozens, dare I say hundreds of
software and technical folks around the country as you read this.

Hallmark doesn’t make a card, and the American Dairy Association is
as yet unaware of it, so it’s probably the least commercial holiday
going. Hey, we wanted to add some culture to our lives, right? What
could be more cultured than cheese? There’s even a Cheese Weasel Song!

The Cheese Weasel Day Song
(Sung to the tune of… well there isn’t one that I know of.
C.W. Day predates MP3)

Who Brings the Cheese on April 3rd?
It’s the Cheese Weasel!
He’s not a silly bunny or a reindeer or a bird
He’s the Cheese Weasel!
He’s got a funny little tail and funny buck teeth
and he doesn’t bring fish and he doesn’t bring beef
so you’d better be good if you want to get some cheese
from the Cheese Weasel!!!!!

Being There

I saw Being There with Peter Sellers the other night. I loved it absolutely. We all live in our own private world, don’t we?

I don’t like WordPress 2.5 Image Upload

The new WordPress 2.5.0 image upload system has several issues. I likely won’t upgrade to 2.5 until they are fixed. I like using Flexible Upload with WP 2.3 better because it…

  • is faster, no need to open up a modal window to go looking for images
  • fits on one screen, to get to the the button for saving the image in WordPress 2.5, you have to pick up the mouse and scroll down
  • is more flexible, you can specify the size of the thumbnail on the fly
  • defaults can be changed, unlike WP 2.5.

SWARM 2.1 is Going to the Playa

And I’m the named artist. :-)

Of course, SWARM is actually a rag tag fugitive fleet of about 25 people. But this is still pretty dern cool.


Click Here April 2004

Click Here
Column in The Panther for April, 2004
By Lee C. Sonko

Our announcement email mailing list is still in the works. By the time you read this, it might be ready. Check out our web site, to see!

You can now view The Panther on the internet. Just go to We’re hoping to have several years of back issues online eventually. This will be a great historical site for The Valley. Continue reading ‘Click Here April 2004’ »

I Spin Poi

For the last 2 months or so I’ve been taking poi spinning classes with Jon Dickinson of Fire Arts Academy and Fire Arts Collective. All I’ve got to say is that he’s really good… a very good teacher in a good physical space with good students and… well, if you’re going to learn to spin poi, I highly recommend him.

Here’s his recent flier. If you missed these sessions, never fear, the cycle will repeat at some point!

Fire Arts Academy is offering sessions of Poi & Staff classes in Oakland. FAA is now taking registration for poi & staff classes in Oakland starting Tuesday March 11th. Private classes in San Francisco and weekend workshops are available, please contact us or check our website. Continue reading ‘I Spin Poi’ »


Internet Explorer viewers of this blog can now see what Firefox viewers have been enjoying for the last year or so…

miki-burning-man-04.jpgThe green bar behind “” at the top of the blog wasn’t visible in IE til I fixed a .css file. Actually, the issue was that IE didn’t follow CSS specs, but it’s hardly worth griping about. IE 6 doesn’t see the background image in my CSS file when it reads as such:

background-image: /* url("");*/

burning-man-2004-2-155.jpgI suppose it’s because IE sees the text being on 2 lines (there’s a carriage return in there)   as being 2 elements. But I’m not going to spend any more energy figuring it out.

The writing actually phonetically spells my name in Japanese. Logically, it’s an odd collection of thoughts… “Lee” sounds like “Reason”. Then “Son” and “ko” sound like “village” and “old”.

I have to thank Miki Kawabe for the translation. At Burning Man in 2004, we won the Second Annual Semi-authentic Finnish Wife Carrying Event. We won her weight in beer.

Yes, really!

Installed WP Super Cache

update 1-16-10: I’ve been using only WP Super Cache for a while now. It’s great.

We’ll see how well installing Super Cache goes…

update 4-20-09: I replaced Super Cache with Hyper Cache and DB Cache. Look.

update 3-26-08: after a day, it’s starting to look pretty super! Page load times are super-fast. :-) And if (ahem) my SQL server is running slow, the blog isn’t slowed down at all unless you try writing (IE, leaving a comment)

update 3-27-08: WP Super Cache is a keeper. It’s got 2 parts, WP-Cache that runs PHP and does database calls only if it the current cached version isn’t up-to-date and/or there is no cached version. There may have been changes at Dreamhost but it seems that Super Cache is a faster WP-Cache than WP-Cache.

The second part, Super-Cache is just supa fast. It kicks in for people that aren’t logged in and don’t have a cookie showing that they’ve commented recently. This serves cached blog files as fast as flat html files. While in this second mode, viewers sometimes miss new comments and changes to pages until the cache times-out, which isn’t a big deal for people that have never commented (and therefore likely don’t really care if they see a new comment in 5 seconds instead of 6 hours)

update 4-3-08: Oh yeah, it’s a total keeper. I like seeing my site load this fast.

FYI, here is my .htaccess file for 0.6.1

# Begin Sitemap. See...
AddType application/xml .xsl
# End Sitemap
# BEGIN WPSuperCache
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /blog/
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !.*s=.*
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*(comment_author_|wordpress|wp-postpass_).*$
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/blog/wp-content/cache/supercache/%{HTTP_HOST}/blog/$1/index.html.gz -f
RewriteRule ^(.*) /blog/wp-content/cache/supercache/%{HTTP_HOST}/blog/$1/index.html.gz [L]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !.*s=.*
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*(comment_author_|wordpress|wp-postpass_).*$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/blog/wp-content/cache/supercache/%{HTTP_HOST}/blog/$1/index.html -f
RewriteRule ^(.*) /blog/wp-content/cache/supercache/%{HTTP_HOST}/blog/$1/index.html [L]
# END WPSuperCache
# BEGIN WordPress
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RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]
# END WordPress