Archive for 2007

SWARM Base Camp

Here’s one design suggestion by Charlie for the SWARM base camp. Click on the image to enlarge it.


An Army of Peeps!

This from Ben, an Admiral in Low Key Peep Flambe Camp.

Bring in the peeps! Bring in the funk!

peeps01.jpg peeps02.jpg

Pop Rocks Strawberry Candy Powder -Bulk: 2LB Box

lkpfc-and-pop-rocks.pngAs a founding member of Low Key Peep Flambe Camp, it is my solemn responsibility to bring in the peeps (someone else handles bringing in the funk). While procuring our comestibles, I came across a most curious product. It is what appears to be a mammoth 2 lb box of Pop Rocks!

How could I pass up such an irresponsibly sold product?

I have ecstatic visions of consuming vast quantities of pop rocks, reminiscent of that Newcomer drug-lord in Alien Nation who drank so much of the drug that he devolved into a totally awesome monster!

To the right I present to you my official provisions for the 2007 Burning Man instantiation of Low Key Peep Flambe Camp.

Update: fundraiser, swarm, television, television

Last night we had an FLG fundraising party. (invites at various spots: 1, 2 , 3). It was a great success! I was out til 4am helping and partying :-)

SWARM is coming along. There’s a LOT of work to be done yet. I’ve got to weld orbs together (I’m getting to be a good aluminum TIG welder!), put battery systems together, buy some stuff (shopping for electronics can take an unhappily long amount of time), and help do choreography for the art. So far, we’ve been focusing on the HOW it works, not the WHAT it does; the orbs have sound, lights and motion. We’ve got to get some choreography action going!

On Saturday Richard Hart interviewed Michael, Jon and myself at the BoxShop, presumably for a new version of the Discovery Channel’s TV show “The Next Step”. He said that the episode might be out in a month or so. It’s kind of funny… I’m sure I’ll appear as the “brawn” in the piece. They got video of me grinding and welding. Jon is the geek and Michael the fearless leader and visionary. We’ll see. :-)

Charlotte made it on an internet television show before I made it to TV… There’s an internet television show (yes, real “internet television”… groovy) that did a piece about the Fire Arts Festival. Among other things, they talk about all the art at the show. And at the end of the show, they do an interview with Charlotte about the Serpent Mother and show her off!

Penny & Page’s Perpetual Party: Fiery Fun with Your Favorite Freaks (July 16th, 2007)

I have a Flash video of the event at I’ve had trouble viewing it :-(

What are you bringing to Burning Man?

What are you going to bring? I’m bringing a fleet of semi-autonomous spherical robots keyed off GPS, on-board sensors and a Kalman filter; using sound, light and motion they mimic.. and even create their own flocking behaviors.

There are no spectators at Burning Man.

Fire Bloom #2 is on Ocean Beach

This is a part of the Ocean Beach Fire Pit Project

Hi there all my nearest and dearesteses…fb2onbeach.jpg For the past two and a half months many of you have not heard from me or seen me much. During this time Rebecca, the Fire Bloom crew and I have been bustin’ our butts to get Bloom #2 ready and onto the beach. We accomplished this with many, many hours of cutting, welding, patterning and grinding!
Now it’s time to play!
This Sunday, July 22nd 2007 (my little sister Amna’s birthday) around sunset, we will be celebrating not only Fire Bloom 2, but also Charlie’s beautiful Starfish! The location is Ocean Beach, between Lincoln and Fulton, across the street from the Beach Chalet. Please join us in the festivities. Bring something to drink or eat, wood to burn and your friends. It will be a lovely time burning, watching the sun set and making merry after a grueling two months of hard work! It has definitely paid off.
Thank you to everyone who supported us and helped make this happen. We look forward to seeing you out there!!
Yasi xoxoxooxo

Ill Vill

Though I’m not camping with Illumination Village at Burning Man this year, I am good friends with many people in the camp. Reading this internal announcement, I thought “Wow, that’s pretty cool.”

Continue reading ‘Ill Vill’ »

Burning Man’s Zip Code

It’s official (!). Burning Man’s zip code is 89412.



Keeping America Safe From the World’s Most Dangerous Poi Spinner

Bioethicists Concerned

That’s it. That’s the whole story… Just “Bioethicists Concerned”. They’re always concerned about something, aren’t they? Man, I want to be a bioethicist. That must be some easy money. What do they do besides be concerned?