Archive for 2007


There was a guy in an SBA class a couple nights ago that had Tourettes Syndrome. I had seen documentaries about it but never met someone with it. It must be a horrible way to go through life.

He was sitting about 20′ from Charlotte and I. At first, it sounded like he was using a cell phone while in class. He’d say something quietly every couple seconds. I listened closer and could tell that, in general, he was occasionally echoing the words of the speaker.

Whenever he looked around the room, especially if he made eye contact with someone, he’d say something… like the kind of thing you might think for a split second if you were looking around, nervous at a party. Things like, “Don’t look at me!”, “What are you looking at?”, “What’s your problem?”

He’d sometimes feed off his own words and actions. At one point, he made eye contact with Charlotte and started scratching his eye with his middle finger trying to “subtly” give her the finger. The scratch grew into a spasm. The spasm grew into thrusting his finger across his face repeatedly and forcefully such that he was just as likely to hurt himself as insult Charlotte.

He made many people in the classroom very nervous. Several people left. Someone suggested that he was schizophrenic.

I couldn’t imagine how sucky my life would be if I had no choice but to voice every emotional thought I had. There aren’t any very effective treatments for this one in a million disorder.

The Penny -is- Worth More than a Penny

I had wondered this for a long while..

Description Denomination Metal Value Metal % of Denomination
1909-1982 Cent (95% copper) * $0.01 $0.0175681 175.68%
1982-2007 Cent (97.5% zinc) * $0.01 $0.0095110 95.11%
1946-2007 Nickel $0.05 $0.0706507 141.30%

I see opportunity here.


Want to be in a Movie?

I got this email just today. You might be interested. It’s a movie casting call in Boston. Warren is a friend of mine. This is his second film. His first was certainly completely odd… think Toxic Avenger. It looks like his second is shooting for oddness as well. Though more polished (maybe). With luck, think Evil Dead….

Straight to DVD feature B horror comedy “Snurg Hunter”, budget $150,000, shooting this summer (July-Sept) 2007 in greater Boston. We have guaranteed distribution via our last feature “Pony Trouble”, and so when finished, “Snurg Hunter” will be in stores nationally and internationally. Hopefully with your name in the credits :)

Continue reading ‘Want to be in a Movie?’ »

To prevent Windows from installing updates when you shutdown your computer

Note: This procedure will only work with Windows XP Professional.

Click Start -> Run
Type “gpedit.msc” (no quotes) and hit Enter
(this opens the “Group Policy” editor.)
Under “User Configuration” double click “Administrative Templates”
After a few seconds you will see a list of items on the right.
Double click on “Windows Components”
Double click on “Windows Update”
Double click on “Do not display ‘Install Updates and Shutdown’ option in Shut Down Windows dialog box”
Select “Enabled” and click OK
Then close the Group Policy window.
Yer done.

Also there’s …
Official muBlinder Page, Easily Bypass Microsoft Update Genuine Windows Validation (I haven’t tried it)

Installed Snap Previews Plugin

After trying out Snap Previews on TJIC’s site for a while, I find them useful. If you disagree, tell me.

If you dislike it, it can be turned off of all the sites you visit by clicking on “options” when a Snap-thingie pops up. I’m still wondering whether letting Snap look over my users’ shoulders is the right thing to do… hmmm.

I had a little trouble installing it with my theme. My custom theme didn’t initially have the following standard code in the footer template: <?php wp_footer(); ?>

update 6-22-07: I removed it after using it for a while.

  • While the popup is coming up, you can’t click on the link; this happened a lot.
  • I started seeing some semi-pseudo advertising going on. I forget exactly what. Maybe it was “search for pages like this one” or some such. And there is a Firefox “search plugin” for users… so they’re using the plugin to get data from me.
  • Why in the world would I want the Snap popup to have a “search the web” text box? -That- is advertising.
  • It was kinda annoying.

Robot Reckoning Question

Dear Lazyweb,
I’m working on an project where we will have 5-10 robots moving around a large field… 100-1,000 yards. Right now we’re planning on using a mix of differential GPS, accelerometers and and a kalman filter so the robots can determine their position to within 1 meter or less. This may or may not be the best way to go about this.

Do you have some ideas as to some other solutions we might go with?
Take a peek at our main webpage….


Here are (in no particular order) links to the web sites of many of my friends.

Shameless Heather
Warren – Committed heart and soul to his insane desires, he earns my highest respect.
Lukas W. Sullivan – AKA Spanks T. Clown
Rosa Carson
Homeport – a very very good place.
Travis James Ignatius Corcoran
KathyPhrog – a fantastic human bean and Daaaark Hobling!
Shara Zoll – my friend and ex-housemate!
Mitchell Gross – a good person.
Eric Berntson – on the short list. You should check out the artwork on his site.
Tom Limoncelli – Tom Limoncelli
My sister

PS. Sorry about the song playing in the background (if you’re running IE, that is. If not, feel free to annoy yourself by playing the background music) I can’t recall hearing this on the radio in the past 10 or 15 years (it came out in ’84) but I just can’t get it out of my head! It’s been floating around in my subconscious mind for years. All that anyone has to do is say the word “friends” in the right tone of voice and the little evil bastard in my head sticks this track on REPEAT PLAY 999. I figure that if enough people come to this site and hear the song, I’ll get it out of my head and into the collective unconscious. So there.

Update 10-1-04 I am happy to report that putting the song on my web page has been a success! I haven’t gotten it stuck in my head for a good long while. As a pre-emptive measure against future bouts of this song, I’m going to leave it online.

A long time ago, I ran a Guestbook. It has since been replaced by blogs and such but I thought you might like to take a peek at my old Guestbook

San Francisco Metal Arts Guild Presentation this Sunday

This Sunday, January 21st, Charlotte along with 3 other Lotus Girls, Olivia, Jordana and Lucy, will be making a presentation to the San Francisco Metal Arts Guild in conjunction with MAG’s first meeting of the year. This is a huge thing seeing as MAG is such a “serious” organization. It feels like we’re a bunch of race car drivers giving a talk to a group of physicists about the G-forces encountered on the track. ;-)

From MAG’s site:

Sunday, Jan 21, 2007 from 2-5 pm

Where: Fort Mason Center, Building C, Room 260 San Francisco

“HOW TO PACK YOUR WORK FOR SHIPPING” – demo by Harriete Estel Berman and emiko oye, jam-packed with valuable info on packing your work for an exhibition or gallery, relative to artists in any media.

San Francisco based FLAMING LOTUS GIRLS will give a slide lecture about their work as well as give a fire art performance (performance outdoors, weather permitting).

MEET THE BOARD – info on upcoming events, opportunities and an open forum for members to become involved with future programs.

Contact: Carol Windsor 650-343-5656

Each Girl will have an 8 minute or so presentation talking about one aspect of being part of a this collaborative art group. I won’t be presenting but I’ll be along to help out.

Carol tells me that we can bring as many friends as we like. If you’re interested in coming to the meeting, seeing the presentations and (hopefully) see us run 2 feathers from the Angel of the Apocalypse, give me a buzz!

We’ll be meeting at the Box Shop at 11am Sunday to finish packing. We’ll go on starting about 3pm.

Changed Subscribe to Comments Default

Please note that I changed it so that if you want to subscribe to comments while you are leaving your own comment, you have to check the check-box.

(this should reduce the number of bounces I get from fictitious people like

Read the Back of Your Ticket

I bought 2 tickets to Burning Man this morning.

This is what I agreed to:

I agree to read and abide by all guidelines listed in the 2007 Survival Guide, and to the terms on the back of the 2007 ticket, which appear below:
You must bring enough food, water, shelter and first aid to survive one week in a harsh desert environment. Commercial vending is prohibited, as are firearms, fireworks, rockets and other explosives. You agree to read and abide by ALL rules in the Survival Guide and follow federal, state and local laws. This is a LEAVE NO TRACE, pack it in, pack it OUT event. You are asked to contribute 2 hours of playa clean up in addition to your own camp. Art cars, art installations, theme camps and performances are not owned or operated by Burning Man and you assume all risk of injury arising from their operation. You appoint Burning Man as your representative to protect your intellectual property or privacy rights, recognizing that Burning Man has no obligation to take action. All vehicles including trucks, trailers and RVs entering and exiting Burning Man are subject to search by Gate staff. Tickets are nonrefundable even if the event is terminated early or canceled due to harsh weather, acts of nature, governmental regulation or conditions beyond Burning Man’s control. This ticket is a revocable license that may be revoked by Burning Man for any reason. Use other than personal use of images from Burning Man, or of drawings or representations of the Burning Man sculpture on a book cover or in any advertisement, or of the phrase ‘Burning Man’ in the title of any publication or in any advertisement, is prohibited without prior written consent of Burning Man. Burning Man is not liable for acts of God, or actions taken by government agencies. Children under 18 years of age can attend the event only accompanied by a parent or guardian, and any person bringing a child to the event agrees for the child to the contractual terms on this ticket. YOUR USE OF THIS TICKET CONFIRMS YOUR AGREEMENT TO THESE TERMS.