Archive for 2007

Upgraded from WP 2.1 to WP 2.1.2

Dreamhost made it pretty easy to upgrade. Push the button. Wait a while. Tada. :-)

At first blush, it looks like performance is much improved :-))

Update: Ah. Performance increased because Dreamhost automatically upgraded my WP-Cache from 2.0 to 2.1. It appears that WP 2.1 wasn’t compatible with WP-Cache 2.0. All is speedy now.

Update. It was to 2.1.1… now it’s 2.1.2

Installed Flexible Upload Plugin

Colossus at First Light

WordPressChris Knight’s Slippers from Real Genius 2.0 and 2.1 are peachy kean but one annoyance is the odd hard-coded thumbnail size. Thumbnails are fixed at 100 x 100 pixels or something like that.

The Flexible Upload plugin lets you get past that silly limitation in the WP interface. So now I can specify silly tiny thumnails or gigantic, sumptuous thumbnails, as I see fit. It also has some other nice bells and whistles. :-)

Steampunk Keyboard

Steampunk KeyboardOk, this is cool. I should stop being such an “aspirational reader” as is the parlance and build stuff like this.

(via) and Other Lee

A Great Business Model

I’m thinking that we’ve really got a great business model with Simply Safe and Secure… Every couple weeks to months we get some of the best promotion possible. The very earth itself calls out to our potential clients threatening to maim or destroy their lives if they don’t call us. As was the case at 8:40 PM tonight.

Honk if you want to die

I’m thinking of making up a batch of bumperstickers with that phrase on them.

(and don’t steal my idea. Remember that my site has a Creative Commons license… “Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0“)

FLG Hands on Fire

I posted this recently to the FLG Lipstick List and FLG blog.

Girl we’re busy! Here’s a lot of the work we’ve sunk our teeth into. A lot of what’s below is still tentative but you still deserve to know about it!

A Spring Fundraiser – We’re working on having a party sometime soon.

Calendar: at the Fundraiser, you’ll finally get to see the FLG Calendar. Here’s a little taste…

Stanford Class – Some time in April we’ll be speaking to a group from a class at Stanford.. (

Yuri’s Night – We might have some flaming art at Yuri’s Night ( on April 13th (not confirmed yet)

Arts on Fire – We’ll likely have some more flaming art at Arts on Fire in Pacifica at the end of April

Coachella – More with the flaming art (do you sense a pattern?) at Coachella on April 27th ( also not totally confirmed but whew!

Maker Faire – We’ll probably have a booth at the Maker Faire in San Mateo May 19-20 showing people how to make…. … … what’s the opposite of non-flaming art?

Then of course there’s the Serpent Mother which should be making an amazing return to the Black Rock Desert at Burning Man 2007! We’ve got such plans for her and her egg!

More with the unconfirmed dates is a trip to Amsterdam and Robodock at the end of September!!

And lastly, a proposal of ours has made it past the first cut for a grant from the Creative Work Fund (

And the summer hasn’t even started yet.

Pooping Hats

Pooping HatsI’ve got this crazy painting that was given to me by Vickie from Oakland… At first I just liked it because it had pretty lines and I didn’t really give it that much thought. Then it was pointed out to me by Charlotte that the woman is pooping hats. I love it now! She looks so happy… pooping hats. Or maybe, it’s been hypothesised over breakfast, she is spontaneously giving birth to hats out the backside while having sex with the one in front… or…. It’s a very curious image and I totally love it.

Serpent Mother

The Flaming Lotus Girls submitted our proposal to Burning Man for this year’s project! We are refining the Serpent Mother. She is going to be totally sweet.

To see more, view the Serpent Mother 2007 Proposal

The proposal itself has a lot of sexy art. Here are the Serpent Mother Proposal Credits



“Janky” is a favorite word of Rbca, my Flaming Lotus Girl friend.

Wiktionary gives its meaning as “1. (slang) of poor quality; untrustworthy”


Let’s say you have to lift a 1 ton sculpture onto the roof of a shipping container but your forklift can’t lift it quite high enough (and it doesn’t have brakes but that’s another matter entirely). It would be a janky setup if you lifted the piece onto a card table with the forklift and then lifted the card table up into the air.

I present the photo that belongs next to the definition, lifted straight out of the most recent Harbor Freight catalog.

Great Barbeque in San Francisco

Johnson’s Arkansas Barbeque

Johnson's Barbeque

2646 San Bruno Ave
San Francisco, CA   94134

Really good barbeque!