Archive for 2007

Berkshire Hathaway 2006 Annual Report

Every couple weeks I receive in the mail yet another weighty book from one of the stocks that I own. And every couple weeks, I spend the time to rip it open, flip through it, wonder how much of my money it cost to produce this full-color glossy advertisement for a company that I already own. I then find the nearest person, show them some token shiny pictures, charts and graphs and hurumph to them, “This book here, it tells me that ‘we are going to try and make as much money for you as we can’.” Then it goes straight into the trash.

Last year I bought some Berkshire Hathaway stock. A couple weeks ago I got the Annual Report in the mail. I flipped through it. It’s different. It’s wonderful. It’s useful. It’s educational. It’s smart. The first 24 pages contains Warren Buffett’s Chairman’s Letter. Read the Berkshire Hathaway 2006 Annual Report for yourself.

Previous years reports

Today’s Quote from Charlotte

Lee: What are you doing?

Charlotte: I’m gilding the grass!


Temple of Poi Concert

On temple-of-poi.jpgtemple-of-poi2.jpgSunday, as a finale to Bay Area Dance Week, Charlotte, Ion, Sherri and I went to the Second Annual Temple of Poi Fire Dancing Expo.

It was pretty dern amazing.   Many of them are really talented performers!

(sorry, the pix from my camera suck)

Flaming Lotus Girls Mellow Toga Party, Wed May 9th

Due to popular demand, the FLG party on Wed the 9th is opening up! Here is the new invitation. Feel free to forward this to Flaming Lotus Girls friendly venues.

The Flaming Lotus Girls are having a little toga get-together Wednesday, May 9th 7pm-midnight at the Box Shop…. and you’re invited.

Nothing special… just music, drinks, a little food…. and fire!

FLG is celebrating big art.
The Hand of God is back from a recent Australian tour. The Angel of the Apocalypse goes to the most interesting places every month! The Ocean Beach fire pits (some made by Lotus Girls) are becoming lasting public art. The Seven Sisters travel here and there. The Serpent Mother is going to the Fire Arts Festival in July and then Amsterdam in September! We’ve got a lot to celebrate!

At the event, we’re raising a little money to get our summer started.
Donations requested $0-$10

Wear your flame retardant toga. Yes, it’s really a toga party! And yes, there will really be fire. We’ll be bringing out parts of the Serpent and maybe the Angel!

BBQ, drinks, music, friends and power tools!

This is a great time to check out what FLG is all about.

Want to bring something or show off something? Contact Lee (Lee at FlamingLotus dat com)


Where we are:

Directions by bus – the 19 Polk bus (Navy shipyard end dest.) goes to Innes street, where you get out and walk across the street to the shop.

Directions by car

  • From 101: take the Cesar Chavez exit off 101 and head east onto Cesar Chavez or
  • From 280: take the Cesar Chavez exit off 101 and head east onto Cesar Chavez


  1. From Cesar Chavez turn south onto Evans Ave at a traffic light. You are now 1.6 miles from the Box Shop.
  2. On Evans Ave, you’ll pass a power plant, then the road curves to the right, then you’ll pass the India Basin Shoreline Park.
  3. Immediately after India Basin Shoreline Park and before a fork in the road, turn left onto Hudson Ave, a gravel/dirt road. A hand-written sign high up on a shipping container on the corner reads “The Box Shop”. This sign can be easy to miss and it’s sometimes hidden behind trucks parked on our road.
  4. On Hudson Ave, the Box Shop is the first yard on the right.
  5. Consider diagonal parking on the gravel/dirt road or back out and park in front of the church across the street.

I felt that earthquake, just barely

emeryville-30.jpgSitting in my apartment, concentrating on some work, at 12:20:20PDT I just barely felt a 3.0 centered in Emeryville. It lasted just 3 seconds and felt like someone had dropped a fully loaded semi-truck to the pavement right out front of the apartment. Just one ‘thud’ and 2 left-and-right sways. That’s about the smallest earthquake I’d be able to feel and not question whether it was an earthquake or not.

Power Tool Drag Races at Maker Faire or Why I live here

blown big block belt sanders

………….. nitro burning funny saws

…………………………wheel standing weed wackers

it’s racing . . . racing . . . racing

saturday and sunday . . . sunday . . . sunday at

the maker’s faire, may 19 and 20, san mateo fairgrounds.


We will be having a full, two day, power tool drag race event at the maker’s faire this may 19 and 20th.   saturday and sunday.
Continue reading ‘Power Tool Drag Races at Maker Faire or Why I live here’ »

Sanchez Art Center FLG Show

Sanchez Art Center Arts on FireCharlotte, Karen, Aerin, Marlise, Baba, Jess and I took 2 feathers from the pieces of the Angel of the Apocalypse to the opening of “Arts on Fire”, a show at the Sanchez Art Center in Pacifica.

We had a blast. It was a kid-friendly event and the Angel proved to be very kid friendly. As we were getting ready, the kids lined up, gazing at the flaming feathers. They screamed every time someone shot it off. After 3 hours, their screams were pretty half-hearted ;-)


A random blog compliment

I got this compliment about my website recently from a new friend:

I’ve been checking out Lee,org’s site, and it’s quite extensive. That’s one reason it’s taken this long to get this note off. I go to the site, am immediately intrigued/diverted/meander a while, and then run out’a time, or lose focus.

A conversation overheard on the internet with my ex-housemate Scott

(darn it, I missed a party at my ex-housemate Scott’s house last night. I get tooo much email to sort through it all… [frowny face])

This was part of the party invite and it sounds right-on. That creepy old shack is…. creepy!

“Scott, what’s in that dilapidated wooden shed in the back of our elaborately landscaped but forebodingly overgrown backyard?”

“Oh, ha, that! I’m not sure what’s in there, how about we check it out together and I’ll show you?”

“What are these.. tiny skulls?”

“Looks like, looks like, yeah, I’m not sure what kind of animal would make a skull like that!”

“These look like ISO-standard necromancer candles, and I think someone’s gotten some use out of them.”

“Yeah, I guess those have probably been chilling out here for a while.”

“And what’s in these jars? It’s sort of chunky? Was someone doing some canning?”

“Oh ha ha, hard to say, hard to say.. it does look organic, in fact!”

FLG and SWARM progress

I posted this to the FLG Lipstick list today :-)

First some good news:
SWARM, an offshoot project of FLG is a funded project for Burning Man 2007. The project is coming along very nicely.


Terrific news:
The Serpent Mother will be going to the Fire Arts Festival in Oakland in July!


Super amazing terrific news!
The Serpent Mother will be travelling across two oceans to Robodock in September !!!


Read more on our blog

I’m thinking of volunteering to go to Robodock.