Fire Bloom #2 is on Ocean Beach
This is a part of the Ocean Beach Fire Pit Project
Hi there all my nearest and dearesteses…
For the past two and a half months many of you have not heard from me or seen me much. During this time Rebecca, the Fire Bloom crew and I have been bustin’ our butts to get Bloom #2 ready and onto the beach. We accomplished this with many, many hours of cutting, welding, patterning and grinding!
Now it’s time to play!
This Sunday, July 22nd 2007 (my little sister Amna’s birthday) around sunset, we will be celebrating not only Fire Bloom 2, but also Charlie’s beautiful Starfish! The location is Ocean Beach, between Lincoln and Fulton, across the street from the Beach Chalet. Please join us in the festivities. Bring something to drink or eat, wood to burn and your friends. It will be a lovely time burning, watching the sun set and making merry after a grueling two months of hard work! It has definitely paid off.
Thank you to everyone who supported us and helped make this happen. We look forward to seeing you out there!!
Yasi xoxoxooxo
I am a graduate student at The Ohio State University in City & regional Planning. I am taking part in the making of a master plan for Sand Beach, Harrison County, Mississippi, in which we are proposing a number of amenities along the beach as part of the recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina. I came across your bon fire pit picture and would like to know if we could have permission to use this wonderful photo in proposing artist designed fire rings. We will give full credit, with your name and location within the plan, and the use of this photo as an example piece. I can be contacted by my e-mail at if you are willling to take part. please leave full name and location of the pit if you are willing to take part in proposing such amenities by other artists along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Thank you for your time
Ryan Pilewski
Knowlton School of Architecture
City & Regional Planning
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
I didn’t take this photo but I’ll get you in touch with the photographer and the artists :-)
I’ll email you directly with their contact info.