Fire Arts Festival Photos and Videos

We just finished running the Serpent at the Fire Arts Festival. It was a blast!

Karen’s pix


A terrific (47mb) video by Olivier Bonin of the Serpent at the Crucible’s 2007 Fire Arts Festival The thing to watch!!


SF Chronicle coverage here and here (article title: “Hot-and-heavy sculpture gets artists warmed up Enormous flame-breathing creations at Fire Arts Festival are prelude to Burning Man. Meredith May, Chronicle Staff Writer. Friday, July 13, 2007”)



Here is the schedule of who worked the performance… There’s a lot of Girls, aren’t there?


WED: Jess THURS: Rebecca FRI: Jess SAT: Cherl





1. Jess Hobbs (in charge)

2. Caroline Miller (plumbing)

3. Michael Prados (head)

4. David Ellsworth (elec)

5. Cheryl Fralick (FSM)

6. John Devenezia (EGG)

7. B’anna Federico

8.Karen Tarapata

9. Indira Allfree

10.Olivier Bonin

11.Rosa Anna di Fellipis

12.Yasi Maus Khan

13.Michelle Palmer

14.Stella Rubenstein

15. Cathy Lynch

1. Rbca Anders (plumbing and in charge)

2. TBD

3. Michael Prados (head)

4. Tad (electronics)

5. John Devenezia(Egg)

6.Jordana Joseph FSM

7.Oona Squire(plumbing)

8.Paul Walker

9.Chris Gerbik


11.Louis B

12.Judy Castro


14.James Stauffer

15.Mark Farrier

1. Jess (elec and in Charge)

2. Rbca Anders (PLUMBING)

3. Lee Sonko (head)

4. Tasha Berg (FSM)

5. Oona Squire (egg)

6. Yasi Maus Khan

7.James Stauffer

8.Will Bartlett

9.Sara Peyrot

10. Brent

11.Laura Barron

12. TBD

13. Tristan Savatier

14.Amy Tse

15. Charlotte

1. Cheryl Fralick (In charge)

2. Caroline Miller(plumbing)

3. Michelle Palmer(FSM)

4. David Ellsworth (ELECTRONICS)

5. Ray Sykes (head)

6. Marlies Tallman(egg)

7.Steve Nelson

8. Kezia

9.Josh Hunter

10.Lynn Bryant (FSM)

11. Dave X

12.Judy Castro

13.Jill (plumbing)

14.Jeff Henise

15. Karl Seifert


One Comment

  1. WTL says:

    The video is awesome!

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