Archive for March 2007

How to organize tupperware

My parents have a gazillion of them. What we (I) did was put all of them into a cardboard box on a bottom cabinet shelf. So looking for tupper involves pulling the box out instead of getting on hands and knees and wading through them all. Since they’re in a box, they don’t scoot around the cabinet the way that so many pieces of slick plastic normally would.

Another solution is to get all tuppers that are the same size and nest inside each other. Though I still haven’t found a brand of quality tuppers that do this. The inexpensive ones from Glad wear out after 5-20 washings and you’re never really guaranteed a seal vs. liquids with them.

The best partial solution is to get rid of 80% of what you have because just because the container is still perfectly good doesn’t mean you have to keep it.   ;-)

Last Night’s Dorkbot

I went to SF Dorkbot last night with Charlotte and her friend Sam.

It was terrific. I only got to see the first 2 main speakers and Ken Murphy. Those guys have done a -lot- of cool stuff. And they presented wonderfully.

(from a followup email)

Main Presenters

dan maynes-aminzade

afshin mehin

evolution control committee

Open dorks

ken murphy

leila hasan
marc powell
and i’m missing the URLs for the others…

and special thanks to MC jonathan foote, niklas terczak for the BBQ (he’s a pro chef!)

and most of all to scott arford for hosting us at one of the spaces in SF (fond partying and noise show memories) at 7hz

i took some too much flash or too little flash photos here:

Maker Faire

I’ll be at the Maker Faire along with some other Lotus Girls with a couple FLG Angel of the Apocalypse Feathers

Mark Pauline: Survival Research Laboratories | Media Arts lecture

Hey, anybody else going to this? Wanna go with me?

Oakland campus
5212 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94618-1426

Mark Pauline: Survival Research Laboratories «
Media Arts lecture
Thursday, March 15, 7:30 pm

Nahl Hall, Oakland campus
Info: 510.594.3656

Survival Research Laboratories (SRL) was conceived of and founded by Mark Pauline in November 1978. Since then, SRL has operated as an organization of creative technicians dedicated to redirecting the techniques, tools, and tenets of industry, science, and the military away from their typical manifestations in practicality, product, and warfare.

Since 1979, SRL has staged over 45 mechanized presentations. Each performance consists of a unique set of ritualized interactions between machines, robots, and special effects devices, employed in developing themes of sociopolitical satire. Humans are present only as audience or operators.

Coral is riding in the AIDS LifeCycle

My good friend Coral is riding in the AIDS LifeCycle bicycle race in June. She is not a serious bike rider but she is putting herself to training hard to do the 7 day, 545 mile race! Go Coral!

It’s really something seeing the -hundreds- of web pages of other riders. Coral’s web page is Try going to or or…

Conservapedia. I’m embarrased to have been from Hackettstown

I used to live in Hackettstown, NJ. Hackettstown is the home of Andy Schlafly, founder of

Mr. Schlafly got an interview on All Things Considered today. In the interview, Schlafly talks abou…. stupid things. The discussion starts with Conservapedia’s (lack of) coverage of Darwinism. The article on kangaroos, for instance, says this about their origins

According to the origins theory model used by creation scientists, modern kangaroos, like all modern animals, originated in the Middle East[1] and are the descendants of the two founding members of the modern kangaroo baramin that were taken aboard Noah’s Ark prior to the Great Flood.

I suppose it wouldn’t be too terrible if they talked about creationism. I mean, some people believe in it, and it -is- an encyclopedia after all. My problem is that Wikipedia has articles on creationism and darwinism. Conservapedia only has articles on creationism. That’s doubleplusungood.


Went for a run with Charlotte… which turned into a walk and mural tour of the Mission.

Went to Instructables Show and Tell. Met a guy and woman from Ames NASA,the head of a super secret company, the heads of, some Make Magazine people, a woman that made a used-jeans quilt, a woman that made trans-genic photosensitive fish, a guy with these really cool musical gravitational ball things ( … and we had so much fun!

Charlotte taught while I vegged and stuff.

Charlotte went to a terrific belly dance workshop Rakkasah ( and I went to a local gun show looking for flashlights, bike lights, little multi-tools with corkscrews and to trade my rifle for a handgun now that the SF handgun ban is a definite non-starter. We’re thinking about

I went to a Quickbooks class at City College of San Francisco and found out “officially” that Quickbooks sucks for handling inventory. For example: If I purchase a box of 10 widgets for a total of 10.05 how do note the individual Cost of Goods Sold (which is $1.005)? Answer: round up to $1.01… which means that my accounts won’t reconcile to the penny any more.

Went out for a sushi dinner with some of Charlotte’s friends from college.

Last Friday:

Walked in the sun.sp_a0206.jpg
Went to the Art City gallery and met some artists
jumped across the Valencia River (a water main at 20th broke making a stream that looked like the one behind my house when I was a kid!)
Charlotte wore her new (supa’ hot) coveralls
Went to a pirate store (and saw a puffer fish in their fish theater)
Ate great Irish food at the Phoenix Pub
Had to bag on going to ANOTHER Irish pub to meet Fruitbat because we…
Smiled, laughed, passed out from food coma

Also recently I’ve completed:

Make short URLS work for FLG wiki. Dinner with Coral… she helped us with Quickbooks. Called Ubisense looking for location sensing tech. Tried (and failed) to get health insurance. Celebrated Swarm’s funding an volunteered to be the financial coordinator. Went to Burnal Equinox party. Been creating a “photo a day for a year” for my sister’s birthday.

Orb Swarm T-Shirts

What do you think of this as team colors for the orb swarm team?

Orbswarm is a funded project for Burning Man!

We got the news today from Ladybee at Burning Man HQ. Yowie zowie, now we’ve got to build the crazy things!!!

Check it out. We’re going to make these:

Snow in SF

Snow in SF

I took this photo out my window on Feb 27th. It’s the closest we’ll ever get to snow here in the Mission.