Archive for February 2007

Fiddling with WP Themes

One (or more) of my snazzy WordPress plugins is making my WP2 install run slowly. So I’ll be fiddling with WordPress plugins for a while. I’ll display another theme for a while until I figure out what’s up. Here’s a pretty theme as a replacement, Thirteen.

Swarm Proposal Submitted to Burning Man

Pillow Fight Valentine’s Day

Charlotte and I will be there

It’s not Valentine’s Day, it’s


Where: Justin Herman Plaza (Market & Embarcadero), San Francisco, CA.

When: Wednesday, February 14th, when the Ferry Building clock strikes 6pm.



1) Tell everyone you know about Pillow Fight!
2) Tell EVERYONE YOU KNOW about Pillow Fight!!!
3) Nothing in your pillow but pillow.
4) Don’t hit anyone with out a pillow.
5) Don’t hit anyone operating a camera.

Last year’s Pillow Fight was *amazing*! Let’s make the magic happen again! Please bring a few trash bags to share and help pick up after wards.

February 14, 2007
Starts at 06:00 PM

Venue Information
Justin Herman Plaza
Market & Embarcadero
San Francisco, CA 94111

Chobunnpegelly Easter Party

Save the date: April 8th, 11am-4pm
Easter, Ostara, and the ancient fertility rite of consuming chocolate, having brunch, Egg-coloring, Scones, Chobunnpegelly, and perhaps Peeps…

We reserve the right to take it to Dolores Park, if the weather cooperates.

More info to follow…..

I’m in Charge of the Knives and the Wine!

“I’m in charge of the knives and the wine!”

That was proudly proclaimed by Shani at the height of our impromptu dinner party on Saturday night. I was planning on going out to an Extra Action Marching Band performance at 12 Galaxies and Charlotte was planning on staying in for a quiet evening. But when I opened the apartment door, I saw Shani and Aaron setting the table in the dining/living/bed/office room! And then I heard a voice in the kitchen… it was our neighbor Lori! I walked in and hugged Shani… a moment later, there was a knock at the door. It was our other neighbor, Cindy! Wow!   It was a party!

After we had sat down and had served the Zigeuner Schnitzel, and spaetzele, carrots sauteed with bacon, fresh bread, and homemade coleslaw, the doorbell rang!! It was Cindy’s friend Ken! That’s 7 for dinner!

It was after about the fourth bottle of wine when Shani was returning from the kitchen, implements in-hand that she she said it, “I’m in charge of the knives and the wine!” Happily, Charlotte took one of them out of her hands.

What a great night! Constant conversation, a stone soup dinner (port wine, red velvet cake and other items appeared in our house :-), and seven bottles of wine!

My Little Bracket Went to Australia

Hand of God Bracket

The Hand of God is returning from Australia on a slow boat. The Lotus Girls have all made it back already. I was all excited to see this image at their last show. Do you see the little bracket under the big flexible pipe? It is sitting pretty much right under the yellow handled ball valve. I made that! (image via)

WordPress 2.1 Installed

I just finished installing WordPress 2.1. If you notice anything wonky, please tell me.

With the installation of WP 2.1, I was finally able to fix Spam Karma‘s captcha. That should do a good job against the increasing number of almost-false-negative comment spams.

Mr T Chocolate Lollipop: Eat Me Fool

My sister remembers the 80’s. She’s selling Mr T Chocolate lollipops on Etsy

Liquids Now Permitted!!

Seen in Newark Airport at Christmas. Joy.

AprilAire 2400

Useful information if you own an AprilAire 2400 whole house air cleaner:

The OEM filter (model 401) for the AprilAire 2400 is a MERV 8 (via since it mentions “70% of 3 micron particles”)

(more info about MERV ratings) (image via)

You can get filters that catch smaller sizes but they get expensive. For example, the best, a MERV 16 filter costs about $120 instead of the regular $25. Also, I think higher MERV ratings require a more powerful blower (see the image and mention of “Final pressure”) and/or it will wear out your existing blower faster.

Everyone (except Julia) smokes in my parents’ house. They use standard filters and I’ve noticed that all my clothes smell of smoke after I’ve been there for a couple days. I’ll try getting a MERV 11 filter for a while and we’ll see how it goes.