Poetry and Pizza, Serpent Momma

Last night Charlotte and I went to Poetry & Pizza: Murray Silvestein & David Shaddock. Charlotte immediately noticed Murray Silvestein as the author of the important A Pattern Language. The readings were quite a lot of fun. I found David Shaddock’s readings to be tremendous! Afterward, we spoke with him for a few minutes and he gave us a copy of his “Dreams are another set of muscles”. I’m looking forward to reading it!

It was hel at Escape from NY Pizza downtown. The pizza was excellent. :-)

Afterwords, Charlotte was a bit tired and I was energized so I made my way to a meeting about the Serpent Mother proposal. Worked on it (having a lot of lively and fun discussion :-) til 2am.


  1. It’s many months since you wrote this post but I just found it. I help run Poetry & Pizza and it’s great to read a review (especially nice that you enjoyed yourselves).

    The fall 07 calendar is up at our website:

    Hope you come again!


  2. Lee says:

    I just got back from Burning Man and weeks of no-sleep working on my robots… so I think a poetry and pizza party would be perfect low-key evening of fun. Thanks for reminding me about it. I’ll probably be there!

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