Archive for 2006

Crap you shouldn’t “buy just to find out about it”

Crap you shouldn’t “buy just to find out about it” because that is exactly how they make their money. Train wrecks you might slow down and look at but crap just stinks.

– The Celestine Prophecy
– Medjugorje
– The Da Vinci Code

Please add to the list in comments

Flaming Lotus Girls Fundraiser

I’ve been working with the Flaming Lotus Girls on this very large art project for Burning Man.. The Serpent Mother. It’s shaping up to be pretty amazing.

Though the project is partially paid for with a large grant from Burning Man, it definitely doesn’t cover everything so were putting on a kickass fundraising party. I won’t be able to make it… My folks are in town for the week and I don’t think they’d dig going to the event.

The party is June 2nd… check out the pix below to get the whole scoop. It’ll be something!

Continue reading ‘Flaming Lotus Girls Fundraiser’ »

Singing in the Rain: Updated

Here is a Golf GTI ad that I just love.

Here we go… I told you that I’d be posting larger files…

Here’s a commercial for the Golf GTI with Gene Kelly in it. “The new Golf GTI. The original, updated.” Well, he’s not really in it… but he is.

I am totally mezmerized by the dancing in bit. I’ve watched it many times times and I’ll watch it many more. I find it quite soothing.

Download the full version:  Gene Kelly Singin’ in the Rain with the new Golf (6MB .mov)

Available on every platform

So says a guy on GTtv, Lego Star Wars II is going to be available in September on the PlayStation II, XBox, XBox 360, Gamecube, PC, PSP, DS, and GBA. I don’t care much about the game (though it seems cute) but talk about cross-platform design!

Video conferencing is great

I just got off an hour-long video conference with my 5 year old niece. It was great… But I we still miss each other!

We use Yahoo Messenger audio chat and “view webcam” at the same time. It works really well. Now if I can just get her to figure out how to stay in the camera’s frame; she keeps talking to the screen (where my face is) instead of the camera. It’s cutre when she tries to show me the picture from a book… and she’s holding it up to the screen.

New Internet Provider is now hosted at I was at Spenix for several years. The switch came in part because I couldn’t reach anyone in order to change the billing on my expiring credit card.

I’ve now got 20 gig of space and 1 terabyte of transfers/month instead of 1 gig of space and 20 gig/month (for less than I was paying before… $8/month instead of $10) so I’ll be starting to post a lot of terribly high bandwidth dreck. Goodie for you!

FMI, I’ve been getting 400,000 hits per month on the site recently. Cool.
Continue reading ‘New Internet Provider’ »

I want a cookie

A very good friend of mine reminded me of an experience we shared. She rekindled it perfectly in this email to me

lee, i can just imagine this conversation…
coworker: blah blah blah
me: grrr. i want a cookie
coworker: what?
me: oh, nothing, just that i want a cookie.
coworker: huh? what does that have to do with blah, blah, blah?
me: uhm, nothing, it’s just this line from a song by evolution control committee…

coworker: (response one) oh, that’s nice, now on to blah blah blah me – right, bleh, bleh , bleh

coworker: (response two) really – who are they – what’s the song like?

/me: (inside voice)well, you see, an ex of mine and i were way too drunk at a corporate party and were trying to orchestrate a hookup with two very cute party members, and well, it wasn’t going so well, so i looked at him and said, “i want a cookie” which is a line to this song they have about dissatisfaction, wanting, sex, cookies….
me: (outside voice) oh, ECC, a very cool music and digital manipulation group – they make their own instruments, and have a remix of dan rather’s voice that got them notoriety in the early 90s as well as a cease and desist for CBS. one of their other songs is called “i want a cookie” and it is about all the things we want that we don’t have, a better job, or sex, or something as mundane as a cookie, it’s all the same – the dissatisfaction with our lives and the desire for better sex and a cookie and a job, all come from the same center. voice trails off…

coworker: perplexed look

me.i should have used my inside voice on that and just told you they were a funky art band that makes their own instruments and resamples voices over music?

coworker : uh, yeah
me: about blah blah blah…
coworker – right, about bleh, bleh, bleh….

You can see Black Rock City from space

I’ve done a little practicing and I can now spot Black Rock City on Google Maps when you’re viewing just the map of the entire United States. That’s 4 clicks zoomed in from the widest.

I’ve got to say that it’s made possible by a trick. Google Maps has done increased resolution scans of BRC and the BR Desert so the color of the area stands out as slightly different than the surrounding area. Still, it’s quite a trick to find the one different pixel on a map of the entire US!

Can you spot it? I can. (click to enlarge)

Political leanings

I took a bunch of online quizes. Here’s what the interwebs think my politcal leaning are

Your Political Profile

Overall: 70% Conservative, 30% Liberal
Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal


Your PERSONAL issues Score is 100%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 70%.

That’s a liberal libertarian

You are a

Social Liberal
(88% permissive)

and an…

Economic Conservative
(80% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

You are a

Social Liberal
(88% permissive)

and an…

Economic Conservative
(80% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test is exactly what you think it might be. It helps couchsurfers get together with couchsurf-ees! I was introduced to it when my good friend Shameless introduced me to the guy hanging off her arm at The Uptown Bar. I was speaking to Casey for a few minutes when his job came into the conversation. He then told me how and why he started a few years ago!

My profile isn’t complete quite yet. I’m working on it though!