TestTrack Pro 4

If you have TestTrack Pro 4 from Seapine Software, you might find the following useful. Change the email notifications as such and the emails will be in a much more readable format.

As an administrator, Go to Activities | Configure | E-mail Message Templates…

Defect Assignment

Bug %DNUM% has been assigned to you

Bug %DNUM% was assigned to you on %DATS%

Changed by:  %CUSR%
Assigned to: %ASST%

Bug Summary: %SUMM%

Product:   %PROD%
Component: %COMP%
Type:      %TYPE%
Priority:  %PRIO%
Severity:  %SEVR%
Created:   %CRED% by %ENTB%


Defect Changed

Bug %DNUM% has changed

Bug %DNUM% was changed on %DATS%

Changed by:  %CUSR%
Assigned to: %ASST%

Bug Summary: %SUMM%

Product:   %PROD%
Component: %COMP%
Type:      %TYPE%
Priority:  %PRIO%
Severity:  %SEVR%
Created:   %CRED% by %ENTB%


Defect Added

Bug %DNUM% was added

Bug %DNUM% was added on %DATS%

Added by:    %CUSR%
Assigned to: %ASST%

Bug Summary: %SUMM%

Product:   %PROD%
Component: %COMP%
Type:      %TYPE%
Priority:  %PRIO%
Severity:  %SEVR%


Defect Closed

Bug %DNUM% has been closed

Bug %DNUM% was closed on %DATS%

Closed by:   %CUSR% 

Bug Summary: %SUMM%

Product:   %PROD%
Component: %COMP%
Type:      %TYPE%
Priority:  %PRIO%
Severity:  %SEVR%
Created:   %CRED% by %ENTB%

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