Installed Challenge Plugin

update: I removed this plugin. I now just trust in Spam Karma

Spam Karma does a great job of managing my comment spam. But I’d like to do more to keep those 500 comment spams/day out of my database entirely. So I’ve installed the Challenge plugin. It’ll make you do math in order to leave a comment. Spammers hate math. It’s like their kryptonite. I hope you don’t hate math so much as to not leave a comment.


  1. WTL says:

    Are these supposed to be treated as integers or as strings? ;-)

  2. Lee says:

    Cute. ;-)

    Now the only comment spam I’m seeing is sweat-shop spam (and messages from you!) . I got 2 yesterday (instead of the usual 500).

  3. Derek says:

    Yo, Lee. Wassup?

    Hey, those FLG videos look awesome! Now I know what you’ve been doing with your time.


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