Archive for September 2006

Frank Chu

At the end of the Urban Iditarod race several months ago, I saw Frank Chu standing amid the crowd of tired doggies. I asked him what his sign was all about. I leaned down and he spoke directly into my ear telling me something very much like this:

Four minutes with Frank Chu from (8MB .mov file)

My head buzzed for 30 minutes. Barry was there with me and can attest to how weird it was.

Bad Movie Night at The Dark Room

Every Sunday night, just a few blocks from my apartment is….

Bad Movie Night at The Dark Room Theater!

Watch the intro. It really captures the spirit! (8MB .wmv file)

Freecycle breeds dogs as reptile food and for the cruel world of dog fights

I got this as a special announcement from Freecycle East Bay

Dear Members,

It has been decided that pet postings will no longer be allowed in our Freecycle community. The most basic reasoning for this decision is that a pet should not be considered “stuff” and pet adoption through Freecycle does not further our goal of reducing landfill waste.

After speaking with representatives from the local humane society and the SPCA, we have decided to not allow pet postings on the East SF Bay Area Freecycle group anymore. Too many animals are given away to people who cannot, or will not, treat these animals as they should be treated. We have been advised against accepting free-to-good home posts for the following reason(s):

Paying an adoption fee discourages people from getting these pets and then when they lose interest, turning them out, giving them away, using them for breeding in puppymills, selling them to laboratories, cosmetic companies, as food for reptiles or even worse, to use to train another dog in the cruel world of dog fights.

Since Freecycle does not permit posts regarding money, they can’t be offered for an adoption fee. Please consider using our local resources for help in finding/placing pets. Links to SPCA and The Humane Society can be found under the files section of Freecycle.

If you want to comment or have a question about this policy, please contact us at Please do
*not* respond to the entire East SF Bay Area Freecycle list.

We thank you all again for sticking with us as we grow and adjust.
It’s all of you fantastic members that make our community such a success!

Thanks for your understanding and future compliance,

Your East SF Bay Area Freecycle Moderators Jennifer and Susan
