recent changes to GMaps Directions printing is bad

I wrote my first letter to Google with a suggestion. It’s interesting to note that this is the first time I can recall a change to the Google system being what I consider a step backward. Not a bad track record

Subject: recent changes to GMaps Directions printing is bad

I very much dislike the new way that GMaps Directions print out. The new Google Map printing system was installed in the last few days before July 25th, 2006

It is very important to me that I see the entire local area of my destination. With the new system, I can’t see it.

It’s important because:

– GMaps are occationally hard to follow in the final few turns of a map
– I want to see cross streets so I know when I am close
– I want to see the local area so the map is useful if someone asks me to “go around the corner” from my stated destination.

Please put the ability to have large maps back into the printing feature of Google Maps.

Thank you,

Lee Sonko


  1. Lee says:

    PS. Adversity breeds strength.

    I now get better quality images than Google Maps | Print ever did. I grab a screen shot with Paint Shop Pro and then print it.

  2. Lee says:

    Case in point: This morning, I drove to HDB Electronics but got lost at the offramp because Google’s directions weren’t usable. A map of the area would have gotten me there without a mishap. :-(

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