Archive for May 2006

You can see Black Rock City from space

I’ve done a little practicing and I can now spot Black Rock City on Google Maps when you’re viewing just the map of the entire United States. That’s 4 clicks zoomed in from the widest.

I’ve got to say that it’s made possible by a trick. Google Maps has done increased resolution scans of BRC and the BR Desert so the color of the area stands out as slightly different than the surrounding area. Still, it’s quite a trick to find the one different pixel on a map of the entire US!

Can you spot it? I can. (click to enlarge)

Political leanings

I took a bunch of online quizes. Here’s what the interwebs think my politcal leaning are

Your Political Profile

Overall: 70% Conservative, 30% Liberal
Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal


Your PERSONAL issues Score is 100%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 70%.

That’s a liberal libertarian

You are a

Social Liberal
(88% permissive)

and an…

Economic Conservative
(80% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

You are a

Social Liberal
(88% permissive)

and an…

Economic Conservative
(80% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test is exactly what you think it might be. It helps couchsurfers get together with couchsurf-ees! I was introduced to it when my good friend Shameless introduced me to the guy hanging off her arm at The Uptown Bar. I was speaking to Casey for a few minutes when his job came into the conversation. He then told me how and why he started a few years ago!

My profile isn’t complete quite yet. I’m working on it though!

A busy weekend

10-6 work (and some constructive commenting on TVR’s practices (I find that more rewarding than work))
6-7 commute home
7-7:30 freshen up & walk to Dark Room
7:30-9:15 Perform at the Dark Room
9:15-10:30 dinner with Crism and AJ at Cancun… and then dinner with the rest of the cast who strolled in as they were getting ready to leave
10:30-1… umm, those are the mystery hours. I have no idea what I did then.
1 sleep

10-12 futz
12-1:30 watch English Wheel video and clean house
1:30-2:30 lunch at Paplote, chat with a nice lady in line and then we decided to eat together. She loves doing stained glass art like I enjoy building giant art.
2:30-3 drive to Box Shop
2:20-6 bang metal and oogle at power tool drag racers under construction
6-7:15 drive home, freshen up, walk to The Dark Room for my performance
7:15-9:30 perform and hang out backstage
9:30-12 wander the streets, find a broken vacumm cleaner and drive it around. pizza at Arinells, look for but not find Michael (Improv classmate) at Uptown at 17th (not 16th!) and Capp
12 sleeeeep

10-12 wake slowly & futz around house
noon-2:30 power tool drag races and talking to Charlotte
2:30-3 drive to improv
3-5:30 improv class
5:30-6:45 hang out with improv classmates Michael and Harmony outside class, talking and balancing balls on our heads
6:45-7:10 shove dinner down throat having just realized that there is a $5 improv show at 7pm
7-9 watch improv with Michael and Harmony (oops! I missed Bad Movie Night! It was Battlefield Earth, which promised to be REEALLLY bad!)
9-9:30 drive home
9:30-10 try to make auto-darkening welding helmet work right, pretty sure I’m not succeeding
10-10:10 write this, invent new emoticon: :^9
10:05-sometime take a long bath
Then sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

weird: A woman I met in line at East Bay Rats Fight Night… Nina(?) is good friends with Alicia, who played Rod Serling.
I missed Bad Movie Night, Saturday Kite Fight, a gun show at Cow Palace, and Running of the Bullshitteers

My SF Stage Debut

Tonight through Saturday, I’ll be performing in “The Twilight Zone” Plays at The Dark Room! Last night was the dress rehersal and it went really well. The 2 episodes we’re performing are funny, intense, campy, and profound all in one show. And it’s only $15. You should go!

Cheap, good imports

I bought a large backpack the other day to put all my disaster stuff in. It’s really a nice backpack… good zippers, strong material.. and an innovative design; it’s actually 3 bags zipped together… a fanny pack, small backpack and large backpack. So you can unzip parts of it for day trips etc. And all of the straps can be tucked away to turn it into a regular piece of luggage.

But what stuck me is the price. Not the price I paid… which was an astoundingly low $30 at a little shop at 23rd and Mission. The shop very much an independent business, the salesman an eager hispanic man with few English words and the cashier a Chinese man with only a bit more English. I’ve seen vaguely similar bags for $100. And a few years ago, that bag would have cost $180. What got me was the tag I just found attached to the bag. The price tag reads “888.00 Yen”. The Yen trades at 113 to the dollar. That means somewhere in the world, this bag sells for the equivalent of about $8!


Chobunnpeggelly photos!

Here is a photoalbum of my recent Easter / Ostara / Chobunnpeggelly luncheon party. (the 2 videos at the end only play in Internet Explorer, sorry)

It’s not a party until someone loses a mind!

Fucking Harbor Freight

Ordered from Harborfreight Fucking Harborfreight!

I just ordered from

1 91310-4VGA 100 PC. SECURITY BIT SET 9.99 9.99
because I always wanted to be able to get behind those panels that I wasn’t supposed to. Not because I want to do anything bad, just because someone said, “No, you may not look here”

3 39440-5VGA PENCIL TORCH 5.99 17.97 I’ll be bringing the art of Peep Flambe to Burning Man. We had so much fun at the Chobunnpeggelly party torching peeps and making s’mores out of them, I thought the rest of the world might like to do so as well.

Update: 2 of the 3 pencil torches leaked. After the event, I tried the last remaining one and it refused to fill. I threw them all out.

1 4807-0VGA 5 PC. PRECISION PLIER SET 9.99 9.99 I’ve misplaced a pair of pliers that my grandfather owned. They’ll turn up, they’ll turn up. But in the mean time, I need some needlenose pliers for all my working with model airplanes and such.

Update: The pliers suck. The wire cutters won’t cut even 28 gauge wire.

2 42428-2VGA SPLIT LEATHER WORK GLOVES 0.99 1.98 Ninety-nine cent gloves! And they might be good gloves. They’ll probably end up being either alternative gloves for working in the shop (instead of always using my welding gloves) or go in my disaster go-bag.

Update: The leather work gloves are awful. They stink of some awful awful rubbery-chemical smell. I tried to wash the smell out and the sink turned black black for several minutes. Apparently, they hadn’t been dyed well at all. Now I have 2 pair of slightly damp, terribly smelly, color bleeding gloves. I put them in the closet inside a plastic bag to keep the smell at bay but the smell leached out and gave me a headache! I discarded them.

2 3015-1VGA 80″ x 60″ WOOL BLANKET 5.99 11.98 I had said to myself that I’d just put my sleeping bag in my go-bag but then I remembered that it was snug -inside- my duvet cover… so I’m getting a spare blanket.

Update: The wool blankets smelled like another kind of death. I tried putting them in a washing machine. The second they hit the water, the water turned bright red. The dye apparently hadn’t set. When I took them out of the machine, my hands turned red and they smelled just as horrid. I threw them out.

disaster go-bag. I’m a bit miffed that I recently purchased a $60 Freeplay radio that appears to do everything identically.

1 47873-4VGA 16 OZ. RIP HAMMER WITH FIBERGLASS HANDLE 4.99 4.99 It’s good to have a hammer for occational tasks. It’s not a snazzy $30 hammer but an acceptable pound of steel on a stick. It’ll do.

Update: The hammer is a laughing stock. This is the pièce de résistance. How do you screw up a piece of metal on a stick? How?! I’ll tell you how. I can understand that the fiberglass handle transmits vibration poorly in a $5 hammer, I’m cool with that. But then, you make the head too convex and very smooth so that the hammer has no sweet spot; every strike glances off. You put the center of gravity far away from the head so it twists out of your hand when you miss the (non-existent) sweet spot. Friends have tried the hammer and they agreed with me.

4 40030-1VGA 2 PC. COOLMAX(TM) DISPOSABLE RESPIRATORS 3.99 15.96 For my go-bag and to be brought to the playa.

1 91214-2VGA BLUE FLAME DESIGN AUTO DARKENING WELDING HELMET 59.99 59.99 This is the only thing I -needed- in this whole order. Why did I get all that other crap? I’m getting this for my summer project MIG welding waaay too much this summer.

Update: The welding helmet works perfectly 90% of the time, making it completely worthless. 9 times out of 10 it auto-darkened instantly. That last time, it would take a full 1/4 second and I’d be fucking blinded.