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Reminds me of Bookcrossing
The coldest winter I ever spent
Archive for March 2006
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Reminds me of Bookcrossing
I donated a few dollars to Alex King for some of his WordPress plugins that I like using so much.
Items not yet shipped:
Delivery estimate: April 6, 2006 – April 10, 2006
* 1 of: Breaking the Spell : Religion as a Natural Phenomenon – for my discussion with TJIC
* 1 of: The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster – all proceeds go toward the purchase of a missionary pirate ship
* 1 of: The Morrow Guide to Knots – a present for a friend
* 1 of: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers – The Movie – a present for me
* 1 of: Canon Powershot A610 5MP Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom – because pictures are good
* 1 of: Shall We Dance? (Full Screen Edition) – a present for a friend at the office (M.S.)
* 1 of: SanDisk SDSDB-1024-A10 1 GB Secure Digital Card – more with the pictures
For the first time in forever, I flew. The Zagi flew very roughly by my unpracticed hands, with new flimsy winglets (some tape will fix that), some exposed wiring and flapping skin, new coroplast elevons, and with high and gusty winds. But I flew :-)
I can drive to the park, fly 2 batteries and bop into 7-11 for some sandwiches in under an hour. :-)
Dearest Lazyweb,
I have no graphic arts artistic talent at all. Would someone that -does- have some please contact me about drawing a pirate riding a Tyrannosaurus Rex. It is for a good cause and if it takes more than 5 minutes to draw, we’re doing it wrong.
I went to the Golden Gate Milonga with Vixen tonight… a real Argentine Tango milonga with dancing and everything. It was great fun. We’ll both be back to this milonga and others!
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie review by Matt of captures a lot of what I love about the movie. Maura and I had a great laugh reading it and remembering how totally true to the original is. has more information about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers than you need. But not as much as you want. will ruin the ending of most any movie you want to see :-)
Black Ranger Rules.
Dear friends can make you happy.
I really like my little studio apartment at 24th and Valencia in San Francisco. I commute to Cupertino 3 days a week and telecommute 2 days to Wavexpress.
I worked for Wavexpress back in 2000 and they hired me back this summer. We/they are still trying to make a video blog viewer that works a lot like television. I’m a little disappointed in the progress we’ve made, but I’ll keep plugging away at it because it pays the rent.
I have been doing my best to enjoy life… going to events like the Urban Iditarod, Kite Fight (although I have still never made it to a successful event, I have been trying now for two months… I am beginning to doubt that Rick really exists), Argentine tango classes, concerts, more concerts… I’m probably going to do Improv lessons at BATS soon.
For exercise, I’ve been running (occasionally). I feel good when I do it. I was thinking of going to Golden Gate State Park right after writing this…
For my commute to Cupertino, I have been carpooling with a coworker named Linden. Well, actually he works for Wave and I’m with Wavexpress (we’re just like Wave, only we don’t stop as much) We’ve been getting along splendidly. For the last month we have been listening to Malcolm Gladwell’s “Blink” on the way to and from work. It’s a fantastic book. Before that, we have been listening to podcasts that I have been downloading from the internet. over the last several weeks I have been watching the first three seasons of Penn and Teller’s “Bullshit”. I feel like they might turn me into an atheist yet. At the very least, they have reminded me of how important personal responsibility is.
I still haven’t put any art on my walls. I don’t know… I like the clean lines or something. I’ve got lots of art from friends and my own collection… I should just put a nail in the wall and see what happens…
A coworker (well, she’s with Wave…) showed me a model airplane field thats 10 minutes from my office last week. I’m getting my planes ready to fly!
I was introduced to a friend of Jeremy and Fiz.. Charlotte. She lives in Boston right now but she’s moving to SF this summer. I’ll give further news as it develops.
And I continue to find it to be near impossible task to keep up with all of my friends blogs. I do apologize. I’m not sure if it’s crazy that it often takes me a week to get back to people via email. The backlog just never ends.
I give little creedence to the thought that Tarot draw upon supernatural powers (maybe a tiny bit of creedence, but certainly very very little). But they are certainly good as a meditation on a subject. It can be something that helps you focus your thoughts on a matter.
And then this comes along… This is the card Charlotte recently drew from the Voyager Tarot when meditating about her uncertain future and the thoughts of moving west.
This is the trust card… You may notice the Golden Gate bridge and the SF skyline… and it’s probably nothing but I mailed her a little plastic frog a few days before she pulled the card.
I’m reminded of the famous scene in the 1995 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie just after the Rangers got their powers. One is embued with the majestic powers of a giant mechanized crane, another gains giant ape powers. And Adam… well… Dulcea looked at the forlorn new Black Ranger Adam. She asked, “Adam, what is wrong?”
Adam responds with a sullen expression of frustration and futility saying, “I’m a frog.”
I’m glad I saw it in the theater. Heck it was way better than Star Wars I.