Rentacoder WordPress Import

I submitted my first job to to have someone convert my old journal to WordPress…

At the conclusion of the project, all of the journal entries that currently reside in these 10 journal pages ( will have been imported into this WordPress blog (…

So far, it’s going well. I put a max of $200 on the job and after just a few hours, I’ve gotten several offers at about $150. We’ll find out if any of them will actually work out.

One Comment

  1. Lee says:

    I’ve accepted a bid of $110 from “SebastianBassi” in Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He’s got at least 7 Rentacoder jobs under his belt, was rated 10 out of 10 on all, and he’s done very similar work to mine on at least one other job. That sounds like a great resume.

    So far, Rentacoder and the global economy look like they are working very well for me.

    I suppose I should wave hello to SebastianBassi right now since he’s probably reading this, sizing up the project. Hey there. And thanks!

    And I’d like to tell SB that while your price and work history were great, it was the photo with you and that lovely baby that cinched it.

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