Archive for October 2005

Malcolm and Serenity

Tonight I saw Serenity at the recomendation of several friends. Yeah, it was a really good flick. :-)

I also stole off TorrentSpy the opener to the seventh season of Malcolm in the Middle. The family goest to Burning Man. Great episode! They got it absolutely right and it was darn funny!

Internet Explorer FTP doesn’t suck

I’ve been using FTP Voyager and SmartFTP for a long time. Today I was having some trouble getting them working on a new Windows MCE machine. Michie suggested I use Internet Explorer. “But IE FTP sucks.” “No it doesn’t.” She is right. Somewhere in the last couple years IE (6.0) upgraded their built-in FTP client. It has full drag & drop capabilities and it’s pretty and everything.

Upgrade your brain with Brain Bullet

Poorly-drawn cartoons inspired by actual spam subject lines!

Upgrade your brain with Brain Bullet
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Flying to NJ Oct 10-18

My dad’s angioplasty has been scheduled for Oct 12th. I’ll be in NJ from the 10th until the 18th. I’m hopeful that all will go well. If not, I’ll extend my stay.