Archive for September 2005

Religious Conversion

I have had a religious conversion.

I am now borne up by the saucy tentacles of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Installed Paged Comment Editing Plugin

Paged Comment Editing by Brian “ColdForged” Dupuis is a very useful gem for sifting through comment spam.

Stolen Bike Report


Also on the bike was a silver feather belonging to Ma’at, the Egyptian goddess and embodiment of truth, tied to the front; but I figured the police didn’t really need to know that.

The lock was a Masterlock Quantum 12. from Cycleworks, 55 Rt. 206 Stanhope NJ 07874, (973) 347-3733. The thief might have defeated it by:

  • pulling the whole set over the top of the parking meter and walking off with it.
  • watching me scramble the combination
  • cutting the cable

Your online report has been approved and the permanent case number is 051014989.

update 9-19-05: here’s what I figure. I had purchased an inexpensive lock for an inexpensive bike. My main purpose was to protect it from joy riders on the playa and thieves in Hackettstown New Jersey. When I locked my bike up in the Mission District, San Francisco I should have been thinking about protecting my bike from an entirely different kind of criminal. I messed up. Oop.

I called Masterlock… there was no theft warrantee on my lock. The lock only cost $30… it protected me from the kinds of bad guys I was trying to protect it from.

Switching your cell phone plan to save money

If you are going over your cell phone minutes for the month, call your provider and tell them you want to switch to a plan with more minutes for the current month. With T-Mobile, you have to call them on the telephone, you can’t just use their web site to change your plan.

Likewise, if you are using less minutes, switch to a less expensive plan for the current month. I’ve done this several times now with T-Mobile. Before moving, I had a 300 minute plan. When I was driving cross-country, I upped to the 1,000 minute plan. Now I’m back down to 600 minutes.

Getting hit with overages of $0.40/minute is st00pid.

In a few months, after I settle down with a lease on November 15th, I might join in with my sister’s plan, getting 1,000 minutes for $30/month. I’ll wait to see how good T-Mobile service is in my new house.

My sister got a spinning wheel

My sister just got a Kromski Prelude from her hubby. She’s really into this spinning thang!

I Burned

It was good.

I’ll be online for real (and conscious) to answer my 100+ emails tomorrow.