Small run CD duplication

Dearest Lazyweb, I saw… just last week… a friend or blogging aquaintance that has started a CD duplication service specializing in small runs. I can’t recall where I saw it? Do you?

Or if you just know of a good place to get 150 CDs duplicated with pretty sleeves, leave me a comment.


  1. WTL says:

    In the past, I’ve used for stuff like that. They also do VHS and DVD – which is also where I had the two how-to DVDs I directed duplicated.

    They are located in Ottawa (Ontario, Canada), the same city as I am. So I’m not sure about what shipping would be like.

  2. Deathwind says:

    My band uses DiscMasters for cd duplication. They did a short run demo for us while we were finishing our main release. THey were cool and they got us discs so we could sell right away at shows. We got 250 in full color sleeves. They looked good. Hope that helps.


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