Archive for August 2005

Crashing kites

Travis J.I. Corcoran wrote on Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:53 PM:
> I still feel bad about that sandbar getting in the way [of your kite] in 1988.

I tell you, that was a great and useful experience for me. It was one of my first adult experiences showing that theoretical knowledge is sometimes worthless when performing a task. More dangerous is that theoretical knowledge can give you a false sense of security.

Installed Subscribe to Comments Plugin

By Mark Jaquith. It was a total snap to install and its a gosh darn terrific plugin!

It’s Not a Two Party System


Everyone keeps talking about the “two party system” in the United States… Democrats and Republicans… Well, it’s not a two party system, it’s a multi-party system. Political parties are NOT (despite what they would like you to believe) a part of the government. So the next time a party manages to bend or break the rules or laws of the US government, know that corruption took place. (For instance, Lautenberg replaced Toricelli on the Democratic ticket for the NJ Senate race in November 2002. The law clearly forbade the switch but since Toricelli’s brother got in some trouble with the law, it looked like his name was tarnished enough that he’d lose…. so they were allowed to switch. Huh?)

The next time a candidate gets bumped from running merely because of it party affiliation, know that corruption took place; of course, if a candidate’s views are unpopular on their own, then he deserves to get bumped.

Installed Search Everything Plugin

I just installed the Search Everything WordPress Plugin by Dan Cameron. It makes the little search button on my blog search comments as well as posts.


If you haven’t heard of it, Lazyweb is a cool. Check it out.

Confused about mileage

Dear Lazyweb,

Why does my Chrysler Sebring (3,400 lb, 2.4 liter V-6) get 27 MPG while an Aprilia Atlantic 500 scooter (425 lb, 0.46 liter 4 stroke) get only 45 MPG? If weight is any indication, shouldn’t it get more like 200 MPG?

Rigged Survey at

I just went to pay a parking ticket and I ran into this rigged survey on San Francisco’s city web site.

Rigged Survey

You’ll notice two things. First, the “Highly Valuable” radio button is already pre-clicked for me. That was considerate of them, wasn’t it? Second, notice that two of the three options are positive. That’s like saying, “Using only the numbers 3, 7, or 10, rate our service on a scale from 1 to 10.”


Upgraded to WordPress

I just upgraded from WordPress 1.5 to

It was really quite straightforward.
1. Backup backup backup
2. unzip WP on my computer
3. upload it to my website, overwriting everything that might be overwritten.


All my plugins and add-ons still work just peachily.

Thanks PhotoMatt

DDI Party and grinding…

I got to see Miki, my Burning Man wife who weighs 23 beers today along with her boyfriend. We went to the Mexican place on the corner of 17th and Valencia. He had a fantastic quesadilla with meat and she had a crispy rolled up taco or enchilata thing; both were EXCELLENT. My salmon burrito was ok.

I went to grind some more at NIMBY. As evening rolled around, I found that a Dance Dance Immolation fundraiser party was happening that night. I called Vixen and she came by. I met another gazillion people (and it didn’t hurt for introductions being on the Colossus team!) and had a kick-butt time.

Put Your Picture on Your Homepage

Why is it that so few of my friends put even a single photo of themselves on their homepage? Are they all -that- shy? Phoey on them!