Installed JS Quick Tags for Comments
[I installed this a couple weeks ago but forgot to blog it.]
Here’s a little something to make writing pretty comments a little easier.
I took it from Scriptygoddess, who took it from Alex King.
The tags I use in my lineup are:
bold, italics, blockquote, link close tags
You should see these buttons just above the Comments field when you write your comments to me. They make it a little easier for you to add HTML tags to your comments.
From Jennifer’s site (this was written for WP 1.2. The instructions are a bit different for newer versions. I’ve installed it for WP 1.5 just fine)
To use the “mini” version I made:
1) Download the js file and upload it to the root of your domain.
2) Open up your wp-comments.php page [in WP 1.5, comments.php in your theme] … Look for the beginning of the comments form – (search for “<form” in the file) and put this just above it:
<script src="/js_quicktags-mini.js" type="text/javascript"></script></form>
Look for the text area field for comments which looks like this
<textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="40" rows="6" tabindex="4"></textarea>
and add this directly above it:
<script type="text/javascript">edToolbar();</script>
And add this BELOW the textarea field:
<script type="text/javascript">var edCanvas = document.getElementById('comment');</script>
This is the method I’m using on this site – although I added the “h3” tag just for the one I use, since that’s what I use to stylize code on this site. You can easily add more… or start from scratch using Alex’s.