Archive for August 2005

Off to Burning Man

I’m off to Burning Man! I’ll be back online after September 6th or so.

Installed Theme Switcher

In my attempt to become the most plugin-ed person in the WordPress universe, I’ve installed Ryan Boren’s Theme Switcher. You can see on the sidebar that you can now choose which theme you want to view my blog with.

I’m only up to 12 active plugins so I think I’ve got a ways to go. You can find mention of all the plugins I’m using in the WordPress category. Searching for the word “Installed” is also a good bet.


update 9-28-05 Because it’s not compatible with WP-Cache-2, I’ve uninstalled Theme Switcher. :-(

If I ever reinstall it, the command to run Theme Switcher is:

<?php wp_theme_switcher(‘dropdown’); ?>

Installed Lee’s Dark Theme

I’m hoping that this theme, with it’s dark background is a bit more readable. I’ll be tweaking it over the next couple weeks. Tell me what you think about it.

And of course, you can switch back to the old theme if you like. I’ve installed Theme Switcher. :-)

update 8-24-05, 10:45am By the light of day, I’m not happy with the Dark theme yet. So the Light theme is still the default. You can try it out with the “Theme” thingie in the sidebar. Again, tell me what you think.

Windows Magnifier

Maybe I’m getting old… or maybe screen resolutions are getting too high. My linked 19″ and 17″ monitors are set at 1280 x 1024.

I find myself using the Windows Magnifier a lot recently, especially for looking at details of small pictures. Find it here: Start | All Programs | Accessories | Accesibility | Magnifier

Is this a Good Thing or am I just getting old? I’ve noticed for a long time that friends of mine often squint and move their head closer to their monitor to get a good look. I don’t like doing that.


Someone set us up the Google Bomb.

It’s a snarky hipster webzine prone to enthusiasms and girlish panics.

update 9-8-05
I am a Google god!

Subscribe to Comments on by default

I’ve set “Subscribe to Comments” to “on” by default. That means unless you uncheck the box at the bottom of your comment, you will receive an email any time someone else leaves another comment on the post.

Tell me if you like this. If not, I’ll change it back.

Installed Popularity Contest

Installed Alex King’s Popularity Contest plugin. It keeps excellent stats for the admin on how popular each blog post is. It also shows users a list of the most popular posts by category, month, etc… in the sidebar.

I found this plugin via the Weblog Tools Collection plugin competition.

The front-end is nice and the back-end (what the admin sees) is beautiful.

I just threw $15 to Alex for this and other things he’s written that I use.

Why I live in San Francisco

“Icer Air 2005,” [on August 27th, 2005] sponsored by a Nevada company that makes snowboard wax, will feature 10,000 cubic feet of snow, a ski jump, an MTV crew, a DJ and thousands of cheering fans in the heart of San Francisco’s grandest neighborhood.

“What the hell are you guys thinking?” said Bruce Miller… (SFGate)

How to save money on California car registration

I now have a California driver’s license, California license plates on my car, and I’m a registered Libertarian (After hanging out with the guy who ran for Congress on the Libertarian ticket last year, I was reminded that a large number of Libertarians are insane. No matter, the ideals of the party are closer to mine than the two bigs. So I checked the “Libertarian” box)

I made a reservation to get my license in Oakland yesterday. Turns out that making a reservation doesn’t get you much (read: “anything”). I ended up spending 1 1/2 hours waiting outside for a guy to spend 60 seconds filling out a form verifying my odometer reading. Then another hour waiting… then… blah blah blah. Well, I got to the car registration part and the lady said my car needed a smog test and she needed $211 from me. I was a bit suprised at the price so I went onto the California DMV web site that evening and they had a little form where I could figure out how much my registration would cost…. $110. I went to the San Francisco office today, told the lady what the web site said and she… … … agreed! She reduced the bill by $101! That more than paid for the $40 street cleaning parking ticket I had gotten that morning!

Bring a printed copy of your California Vehicle Registration Fee Calculator results to the DMV. It could save you money.

Colossus Images

Here are some images from the Colossus project. And a video clip. There will be lots more when it’s finished.

Zachary Coffin – the artist

Corbett Griffith – the chief engineer