Building for Burning Man

I believe I’m going to be helping to build a really big, really dangerous, really freaking heavy sculpture to be placed in a desert for all to enjoy.

I just got back from a Burning Man preview event:

The Crucible Hosts: Burning Man’s Desert Arts Preview: Free Admission
See and hear what some of this year’s Burning Man honorarium artists are creating for Black Rock City! You’ll also hear members of Burning Man’s Art Department give an overview and highlight of Burning Man’s theme and grant process.

The tagline of the Colossus project reads “30 tons of granite and steel spinning overhead. 70 feet tall. Radically radially interactive.”

Find out all about it.

I’ve got to contact Corbett in the morning but I think since they’ll need a welder, I’ll be taking welding lessons soon. Maybe I’ll rent a video on the subject too.

One Comment

  1. Geri says:

    Glad the event turned out to be fun for you!

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