What’s on my Tivo

Sure, you might not care about this… but I’m going to SF Tivoless. I might buy one when I get comfy, or maybe not (oh, who am I kidding, I am completely addicted to vitamin T)

In no particular order (I thought about ordering them but which do I put first, “guilty pleasures” or “feelgood”, “easy to watch” or “engrossing”?

  • Northern Exposure – for when I need some existential cheering up
  • Nip/Tuck – a hugely intelligent and disturbing show
  • CBS News Sunday Morning – My aunt just recently suggested this to me. Thanks Dorty! It’s a bit like 60 Minutes.
  • Blue Collar TV – Pretty funny. Comedy Central is becoming like a real network or something!
  • Con – Because knowing is half the battle. And it’s still pretty fun to dream of what I’d be like if I were bad
  • 24 – The most exciting hour of television all week. (next season starts in 6 months.. hurumph)
  • Good Eats – That Alton Brown, he makes cooking into geekery!
  • Scrubs – I really connect with this show (though I admit that after so many seasons of the exact same formula, I’m getting tired of the routine)
  • The Daily Show – The best (fake) news program on television
  • Mythbusters – It bugs me that they don’t always practice “good science” but hey, it’s good TV and they blow stuff up but good.
  • Attack of the Show – It lost several points in my book as soon as G4 moved the studio from San Francisco to LA but it’s still a good geek show (as long as you have your finger on the fast-forward)
  • Taxicab Confessions – the best and most real reality show I’ve ever seen. Episode #6 almost qualifies as my Budda.
  • 60 Minutes
  • 60 Minutes Wednesday
  • Star Trek Voyager – It’s the smartest of the Trek series. It’s the only one I ever watch and not snicker at.
  • Max & Ruby – the most zen program for 2-4 year olds that I’ve ever seen.
  • Rough Science – They had another season, hurray!

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