Archive for March 2005

The Amazing Power of Makeup

I got this from a friend that forwards around jokes. This is pretty remarkable.
(and the last one has a punch line, of course).

It makes me wonder about that part of our brains that sees beauty in people and how gullible and flawed it is.
Why is there such a wildly different visceral reaction to each image? And isn’t it striking how these “pretty people” are all very normal people, just with good stylists and photographers.

Christina Aguilera

Pamela Anderson

Alicia Silverstone

Cameron Diaz

Christina Applegate

Goldie Hawn

Britney Spears


Michael Jackson

Nip/Tuck is Masterful/Vile

I just saw the “Oona Wentworth” episode of Nip/Tuck.

I knew I was done being sick (from my cold) when I realized that I was feeing the full creepiness and disgustingtude of this show. Bravo to everyone who made this masterpiece of …. of…. whatever the heck it is. It’s really on it’s own out there. Nip/Tuck is a great show but I can’t tivo through two episodes…. I need to recover and digest and finally remind myself,”Well, at least I’m not as bad off as that!”

3-14-05 update: I woke up this morning with alternating and repeating visions of Dr. Bobolit cutting his face off and Adrian pleading for his mother to make love to him. I’m feeling pretty unclean on this fine sunny morning. Yup, pretty darn unclean.

Still Sick

I thought I was done being sick. I spent the whole day lolling about, trying to move around and get moving. It still hurts to walk and turn my head and bend and… be.
Better than yesterday (almost stupified, moaning in bed), but not better.

10 year reunion

A friend is having trouble deciding whether or not to go to her 10 year college reuinion. She said that she didn’t have any friends in her class year and wasn’t pleased with her career path. Here’s my comment back to her

I hardly realized that I missed my 10 year reunion, and I’m none the worse for it. I can only name a handful of friends from college and I keep track of most of them.

Last year, I went to a reunion of a middle school group… it was terrific. I’m so glad I went. I was initially bothered that careerwise, I was just starting a tiny little business while the other people were… let’s see, working for the US Patent Office, a Washington lawyer, making computers understand speech, teaching high-level math in college, “on a break” from working at the U.N. and other worldly pursuits. But they saw my situation differently. They saw me as independent and gutsy. And we all had a good time talking about the various paths we’ve taken. Most important was that being with these really old friends was touching an important part of my past. That felt really good.

So, as far as your 10 year reunion… If there’s no one you’d care to see, then don’t go. You’ll just get that many more mailers from the school, begging for money for a new building or something; whatever it is, it won’t make any personal connection. That’s what’s important.

I was so sick

Yesterday I was so sick. It started with a hacking cough 2 days ago and progressed. I went to bed at 10pm the night before last and…. didn’t get out of bed for 39 hours.

Everything hurt. Rolling over hurt. Getting up to use the bathroom was torture. But enough about me.

I’m coming out of it. My sister came over and gave me some needed TLC, baby pastina soup and orange juice. That was good. I got to talk with VC on the phone. That was good too.

Installed WP Paginate

WP Paginate from Scriptygoddess because my beloved Page Navigation doesn’t work with WP 1.5.

Installed WordPress 1.5

Feel the love…. I guess. So far it seems like 6 of one, half a dozen that have to be hauled in from the garage… of another. I’m sure I’ll appreciate it soon… after I’m done picking all my plugins up off the floor. Hurumph.

Dumb Earthlink AI

Dumb AI still makes me mad.

Welcome to Earthlink LiveChat. Your chat session will begin shortly.

Not at home and you want to read your email? With EarthLink Web Mail you can check your email from any computer with an internet connection!

‘Sherman N.’ says: Thank you for contacting EarthLink LiveChat, how may I help you today?
me: Hi, I have a mindspring dialup account. I’m trying to access my mail from another computer but my username and password don’t seem to work. Could it be that I’m not allowed to access POP mail via the internet?
Sherman N.: I understand that you wish to know your password. I can help by providing the password after veryfying your account.
Sherman N.: I see that you have provided xxx as account verification information, Is this your Internet login password?. If yes, can I have your permission to view the password in our database. You will receive an email regarding password view.ace=”arial” size=”2″>
me: No, I don’t need to know my password. I have my password. Please turn off that crummy artificial intelligence system and re-read my request.
Sherman N.: To best assist you, you need to speak with a Technical Support Representative. Please stand by while I transfer you.
Please wait while I transfer the chat to the best suited site operator.
‘Joshua G’ says: Thank you for contacting EarthLink LiveChat, how may I help you today?
[There was a 15 second pause here that really got me bothered. I thought that I was going to have to repeat what I said to a MACHINE to a human. I was about to copy and paste my previous correspondence when…..]
Joshua G:
=”black”>=”OperatorText”>Hello, I see you’ve already been chatting. Please give me a moment so I can read the previous chat and pick up where you left off.
me: Let me take this opportunity to say that "Sherman N" is a crappy AI.

Eliza… Eliza…. My heart’s on fire…… for Eliza!

Yow! Shredding!

This really freaks me out.
SSI Super Duper Shredder. Shreds all that ails you, from washing machines to 55 gallon steel drums.

Check out a local copy of the video that freaks me out the most.

Jeez…. I might just have nightmares about this thing… So why am I blogging it?!!?

Symbolic Links for WinXP

I haven’t tried it yet but others say it works. Windows is playing a little catch-up here… Unix had symbolic links in 1973 and it’s not a clever hack… it just works. Junction Link Magic

Hard links too with NTFS Hardlink Shellextention.