Archive for December 2004

VC and I doing well

[Insert all those good relationship clichés here!]

Thinking Californian Thoughts

Since Burning Man, I’ve been thinking a lot about following my bliss and going to California. In short, I’m looking for a place that’s sunnier and hippie-er. CA is a big place. Where should I go? A couple people have suggested Grass City, CA. Jennifer L suggested Santa Fe NM as well. Stevie says Santa Cruz, Capitola, Berkeley, Colorado Springs, CO, Estes Springs. I know I don’t want to go to LA. SF is a good place but the weather is a bit dreary. Where should I go? I’m going on a scouting mission tell me where to check out soon so tell me where to check out. (After clicking on that link, remove the “NOSPAM” tag from my email address)

For 3 months after Burning Man.. the sun, the people, the absurdist possibilities…, I didn’t have a single thought about steering my car into oncoming traffic. I liked that.

High Tech Weblogging

I set up WordPress on my system. I won’t tell you where to find it yet because I’m still tweaking it. I like it. One problem is the comment spam. 2 days after setting the thing up, I got about 20 comment spams from some casino website. I’ll have to do some more tweaking before it goes live.

Plaxo is a good thing

For someone who prides himself on a good sized address book (and hence, a lot of friends (or at the very least, acquaintances)) my address book is in terrible shape. Enter Plaxo. I’ve gotten a few automated emails from friends using the service to update their address book. So I tried it out and I’m glad I did! Something like 40 email addresses in my book bounced. And like 60 friends of mine used the automated Plaxo service to update my address book automatically! I never would have had the perseverance to do that kind of update myself.