Burning Man
It’s decided. I’m going.
The coldest winter I ever spent
Archive for June 2004
It’s decided. I’m going.
On 5-24-04, I pushed the wrong button.
Tivo had been on the fritz for a couple weeks. You’d be watching a program or moving through the menus and it would make this clicking noise. If it made at least two clicking noises in a row, the screen would freeze for a few seconds or longer. Actually, I had seen this problem a couple years ago when the Tivo was younger. I shut the Tivo off for a day and it got better. I -should- have looked into the problem more thourouly then but it just fell off as a priority.
Well, just before my folks got back from Florida, it died entirely. It would click and get stuck 3 minutes after booting and that would be that. So I had to fix it myself. I was having the normal frustrating time of it… swapping hard drives in and out of my PC. Some would boot, some wouldn’t, depending where they were in the IDE chain. It was a bit frustrating but nothing I couldn’t handle. Until it happened.
I noticed that I had successfully put the Tivo image onto my 200 gig Maxtor drive instead of my 40 gig Maxtor drive. The two look very similar but are very different inside. One drive is a scrap, lying around from…. I don’t even recall where it’s from. The other is my system drive, the one everything is on. Everything. I instantly became very unhappy.
Flash forward 3 full days of recovery time and I’m finally back online. It took days to pull the backups from TJIC’s computer (mini-moral: don’t zip up and send a single 5 gig file as a backup. If there’s an error in retrieving it, you’ll have to fetch the whole 5 gig file over again… which sucks because it takes 20+ hours to move 5 gig over a cable modem.)
I’m still not recovered by a long shot. For example, I’m writing this blog using notepad instead of Frontpage because [deep inhale] since I was going to try out the new Office 2003, I figured it would be good if I installed it fresh on the “new” computer; all is well except that Outlook 2003 Pro apparently doesn’t come with Frontpage but MS Word as an HTML editor. Trouble with that is that Word vomits all over my HTML with idiotic MS formatting shit (it vomits shit, now that’s a pretty picture). I also installed VMware workstation and it works peachy except eMule won’t stay online. And I’ve got nothing going on in my life except what I make of it and I’m sitting in my parents basement doing nothing with my life. But that’s just me.
My parents arrived and prompty went to the store and bought duplicates of every food item in the house. Which wouldn’t be so bad except:
I had planted several things from seed, anaheim peppers, hungarian peppers, nasturtium, Sweet 100’s tomatoes, and morning glories. I asked my dad what the proper time to plant was and he replied “they have to go in the ground May 15th.” So, in an effort to grow early, I put all the plants under lights starting April 6th. Well, as any gardener will tell you, I planted a month too late for planting from seed in a small garden.
There are people power washing the deck. When they came to out place, they moved all the planters that were against the railing into the middle of the deck. Of course, my morning glory vines were growing out of the pots and wrapped around the deck railing. The pots were in the middle of the deck, the vines were still on the railing. Scratch 5 of 6 morning glory plants from seed. I wanted to cry and apologize to Julie.
Update: Some of the morning glories are coming back. That would be nice but I realize I’m overly emotionaly invested in morning glories.
I got home one day last week and found that they had gone plant shopping for the outside. As I knew they would, they got all the standard annual crap. Plus hungarian peppers, something almost exactly anaheim peppers, and a few tomoto plants with unknown heredity; maybe they’re Big Boys, maybe they’re Sweet 100’s. One tomato plant was obviously not a Sweet 100; I’m glad they’re planting that.
My sister has left a lot of crap in the space I’m currently living. She was in the space before me, about 2 years ago. I found a big box of girlie stuff under the bathroom sink taking up a lot of space and asked her to remove it “from my bathroom.” She came back instantly and said that it wasn’t “my” bathroom. That bothered me. I didn’t bite as agressively as I might have when I responded, “Well then could you remove your things from the bathroom I am currently using?” It took 3 weeks for her to finally take the box (though it might actually still be hidden in some closet somewhere upstairs)
Oh, in other computer news: I was recovering data from the newly deceased hard drive, putting it onto a 40 gig drive I had lying around. I spent a day (yes, a full day) pulling lost clusters and crap off the 200 gig drive. I was probably pulling too much off it but I knew that I had only one shot at this; after I reformatted the hard drive, everything would be lost. So I spent a day at this and I get home after going out… the drive is making grinding noises! Short story short: the drive died. Well, I always wanted to open up a drive and see what’s really inside.
My $500 ad in that church newsletter has been in for about 3 weeks and it hasn’t generated a single phone call.
Good news: After fiddling with Ontrack Easy Recover for 1 1/2 days, I recovered -everything- from the old 200 gig drive.
I posted a personal on polymatchmaker.com. It feels weird. But I posted it.
A client of mine, A.P. told me that he wants me to sign up for eharmony.com and run it though its paces because he has a friend he thinks could use such a service. He wants me to vet the service for him. A.P. will pay for my account and everything. Actually, I think he’s just perceptive and believes I would benefit from it. A.P. has quickly become a friend. I’ll sign up soon.
So this post has a lot of grumbling minutia. Sorry but that’s how I feel right now.
In other news… an old friend from Wavexpress wrote to me to sign this petition…
Here’s the petition
By forwarding this message to you sign the petition. You need to put TOM@TOMSPETITION.ORG in the cc field to be counted.
>> Subject: Six Degrees from Columbine: Save the Ban on Assault Weapons
>> Dear Friend:
>> Five years ago my 15-year-old son Daniel Mauser was one of 13 people
>> killed at Columbine High School by two students. One of them used an
>> illegal assault weapon. This summer, AK-47s, UZIs, and TEC-DC9s, will
>> be legal again unless we do something about it. In this day and age,
>> nothing could be more insane.
>> Using an exciting and unprecedented new Internet technology to grow
>> an online petition, join me in my effort to see how many millions of
>> names I can collect to deliver to President Bush. We will change the
>> course of this country and create a lasting legacy for my son.
>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> Here is how you can help:
>> Please sign this petition by forwarding this email to your family and
>> friends. Make sure to add my e-mail address TOM@TOMSPETITION.ORG to
>> your list of friends in the same forwarded e-mail (don’t use bcc).
>> This petition uses a new technology that allows you to see how many
>> supporters you can reach through the power of “six degrees of
>> separation.”
>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> Sending to TOM@TOMSPETITION.ORG confirms your participation and
>> allows our petition software to map the growing support for our
>> cause. We will immediately send you a link to your personal petition
>> page, where you can see a real time map of your impact on this
>> historic cause.
>> If each of us passes this message on to our friends and family this
>> will be the fastest growing petition on the Internet ever! We will
>> reach millions of people and force president Bush and Congress to
>> extend the assault weapons ban.
>> For more information on how the petition technology maps your
>> support, go to: http://www.tomspetition.org/info
>> Thank you,
>> Tom Mauser
And my response (modified on 6-10-04 from my original email response)
>I don’t usually go in for online petitions but I thought I would in
>this case. It was started by a friend of a friend and is legit.I completely agree that Columbine was a terrible tragedy. But the ban wouldn’t have reduced the destruction. 3 of the 4 guns used were (and still are) legal for anyone over 18 that can make it into a Wal-Mart. The TEC DC-9 machine gun used was already illegal for the killers to own before the ban. The home-made bombs were illegal as well. The manufacturer of the TEC DC-9 changed the design slightly after the ban (to the “AB-10” model) and can be purchased new with the proper license (of which, the Columbine kids still could not obtain)
I see where you’re coming from. It’s possible that the country-wide anti-gun sentiment that a ban inspires might help shape public attitude about people using guns inappropriately against other people but an “assault weapons ban” is only a tiny step in a direction toward civility, at the great expense in national safety and personal liberty.
Such legislation does not seem beneficial to our country or the kids that live in it. Much more important than attempting to make the “dangerous” guns illegal (an oxymoron if ever I saw one) is public education and community involvement.
Thanks for sending the petition along to me,