Cancelled Earthlink
I cancelled my Earthlink service today.
The coldest winter I ever spent
Archive for 2003
I cancelled my Earthlink service today.
I changed my DNS so that Spenix would be my new web provider. A month ago I switched from to for my DNS b/c GoDaddy is $8/year instead of $35 and GoDaddy’s website has a few more bells and whistles. Now I’m moving from Earthlink to Spenix b/c, although Earthlink has very good LiveChat support, it’s for a product that doesn’t have as many features and easy customizations as Spenix. And Spenix is $8/month instead of $20/month! Of course, it worries me that the main site appears to be down today. But I’m sure that’s just a little glitch… Yipe!
Some site details like the comment engine and hit counter will be broken ’til I fix em. so there.
I just switched my Amex card from a Gold Card to a “Green Card with Rewards”. Switching saves me a few bucks and doesn’t affect me at all since I’ve never used any of the gold card bells and whistles. I went to the E-Z-PASS website to change my account over to the new credit card number but it wouldn’t take my number.. So I called them on the phone. The E-Z-PASS lady changed me over no problem. I asked for help with the website and she asked me what website I was going to. It instantly dawned on me that the stupid money-sucking, corruption ridden, problem laden, pork-barrel politicking system that was “E-Z-Pass” was to blame. You see, Google’s first response for E-Z-Pass is (obviously) But my bill references E-Z-Pass NY and E-Z-Pass NJ are two completely different, non-overlapping entities. “But…” I say. And I stop, remembering all the hoopla over the system over the past 3 years. The shady dealings, money laundering, intentional cost overruns, and scandal. And then I wish that I had been an inside-investor in E-Z-P-ASS.
My sister got married this weekend. The wedding was great. I’ll have photos up soon. And, yes, the minister said, “Mao-widge” during the service. If you are furrowing your brow at that statement, then watch The Princess Bride!
Making an announcement mailing list happen for the PVPOA is stalled. The PVPOA lawyer wants that all the world take risks while the PVPOA sits in its cocoon. “Oh! They’ve encased the PVPOA in Carbonite! It should be quite well protected. If it survived the freezing process, that is.” This is driving me crazy. Here, I should be smiling after getting rid of my sister ( ;-) ) and.. grrr..
I brought my dad to the airport today. He’ll be in Florida for a couple weeks. By mid-November, I’ll have the house to myself. At least for a while.
I’m now getting 100 spams/day. I signed up for a trial of Cloudmark’s Spamnet. I threw 500 spams at it and it only missed about 10 and erroneously marked about 5 good messages as spam. The good messages -did- look a lot like spam… ie one was a sale at Dell.. that kind of stuff. Cloudmark does a much better job than my current Mcafee Spamkiller. At $4/month, it’s a huge bargain. I’ll start paying for it as soon as the trial expires. I don’t know what I’m going to do after I stop getting spam! My spam poetry, all that free porn popping up on my screen… I’ll have to start replying to -real- email instead! Yech!
I saw this teaser for an interview with Sting.. I think he was on 60 Minutes. It went something like this: “Sting is worth $300 million dollars. He lives a fabulous lifestyle, he’s very happy, he’s been knighted by the queen of England and done all sorts you can only dream of.” Cut to Sting during the interview. He looks great. Mid-thought, he looks up, pauses and says with a slowly widening smile, “It’s good to be Sting.” Damn!
TIJC wrote about computer mice in his journal recently. I responded…
>It turns out that a Microsoft Mouse really doesn’t take well to having it’s moving parts lightly treated with machine oil.
I’ve been jump-up-and-down happy with my Logitech Mouseman dual optical sensor mouse for a few years now.
It is fantastically smooth and responsive. The only surfaces it doesn’t work well on are monochromatic ones. So I taped a piece of paper with a MS Streets and Trips map of my neighborhood right to my desk. Which brings me to my mouse rant: Why are mousepads smooth? That is EXACTLY the opposite of what they should be.
I’ve had Cloudmark for a day and I’ve got to say that It’s really weird not getting spam anymore. I almost miss it. Almost.
Computer guy is a real business! I made something like $400 this weekend! I’m still selling Marilyn Merlots on eBay too… I just invested another $1500 in stock and it’s selling at a pace, 1-2 bottles per week. Living at home is going fine. I’d rather be completely on my own, but living here has allowed the business to happen.
I took the Technology Education test almost a month ago. Results will be in soon. Then… where do I go with jumping through hoops to get into grad school to get a job? I was talking to a client recently (MS) about school… He’s been in the Jersey City schools a lot. Those teachers make more, but I don’t feel very good about getting hazard pay. We’ll see.
My love life has awoken. I like it. I’m happily pursuing such affairs. PPG is great. Siobhan is terrific.
I haven’t flown the plane in a while :-(. Julian has disappeared on me. I have to try and find him!
My sister is getting married on Saturday! I’ll have a new brother, yow! That’s weird! but good. Weird but good. And Melissa’s happy. That’s even better.
My dad will be leaving for Florida right after that. That’ll leave just Noni and myself in the house. Noni will be leaving for Florida next month. We’re all going to the Siedlecki’s for Thanksgiving… I’ll be flying with Julia. She was going to fly on her own because she’s a big girl now but our plans lined up well enough for us to fly together.
It’s weird giving people in my journal pseudonyms. I don’t know if I like it. We’ll see.
Good night!
In case you haven’t figured out otherwise, this is a poem.
I want to advertise by email.
I want Ativan without a prescription.
I want to boost my penis size by 3 to 5 inches.
I want bulk email services.
I want to chill out in cool new gear!
I want to develop a larger penis in weeks.
I want to develop a larger bust in weeks.
I want diazepam without a prescription.
I want FREE smiley faces for my email.
I want the last call for popcorn.
I want to get a cell phone at no cost to myself!
I want a Quick Cash Loan up to $500.
I want the world’s hottest RC toys of the year!
I want a penis patch
I want to lose fat while sleeping as seen on on ABC, CBS, CNN.
I want to be careful of downloading music files.
I want to make my child a star student.
I want to order my prescription medication today.
I want to look better and feel better, guaranteed!
I want to regain my A+ rating, quickly and legally.
I want new crafts projects AND a free tote.
I want lower blood sugar Naturally.
I want coupon-ink for my printer with free US shipping.
I want my fifty dollars.
I want email advertisements.
I want the fountain of youth_money back guarantee.
I want VIAG RA..VIAGRA.. 1/2 PRICEhahalf off on GVIAGRA.
I want Norton 2003 for under $30.
I want Vicodin without a Prescription.
I want Xanax – no_prescription_needed.
I want to Grow my Penis Size to My Full Potential.
I want a low cost extended warranty for my old/new car.
I want to increase my penis size in 1 hour.
I don’t want a diet, I want a patch.
I want to lose weight with a patch.
I want to lose weight without a patch.
I want to make life easy and Get Prescriptions Online.
I want MedDietPatch monitor.
I want No Doctor Visit Medications!
I want Long term cheap mortgages! I want to “SAVE BIG” 3.55%
I want Prescriptions written and filled online.
I want to satisfy my lover with an increased penis size.
I want Turbo Twister Mini RC Stunt Cars.
I want Vicodins with No Prescription Needed.
I want Vicodins-_with_No_Prescription_Needed.
I want Vicodin_-_with_no_prescription_needed.
I want Vicodin, Turbo Twister, prescriptions, my A+ rating, MedDietPatch, the easy life, a child star, a cell phone, to look better, a doctor, a diet, a patch, Panama, a warrantee, Xanax, Norton, Viagra, and most especially, I want to increase my penis size by 2 to 5 inches.
I installed Windows XP early on Friday… and late on Friday… and early on Saturday. Here’s a list of tips for installing XP and Office.
I caught the trailer for MR today. I am sad to realize that the Wachowski Brothers only had one Matrix movie in them.
Cyberpunk Highlander. Ugh.