Switching from Earthlink to Spenix
I changed my DNS so that Spenix would be my new web provider. A month ago I switched from Register.com to GoDaddy.com for my DNS b/c GoDaddy is $8/year instead of $35 and GoDaddy’s website has a few more bells and whistles. Now I’m moving from Earthlink to Spenix b/c, although Earthlink has very good LiveChat support, it’s for a product that doesn’t have as many features and easy customizations as Spenix. And Spenix is $8/month instead of $20/month! Of course, it worries me that the main Spenix.com site appears to be down today. But I’m sure that’s just a little glitch… Yipe!
Some site details like the comment engine and hit counter will be broken ’til I fix em. so there.