Archive for May 2003

Subbing for a bad teacher?

Subbed for a guy at Hackettstown High today (he’ll remain unnamed). It was disappointing because in all three classes that I taught, the kids for the most part hadn’t been given any good assignments in the longest time. Since I couldn’t pry the kids off the video games, (especially not for the bad video tapes that had been planned for the period) I turned the class into a game redesign class. The first class really got into it. The second class had this defeated feel to it. I couldn’t get them into anything. And the last class… [unfinished. talk about: rolling chair, poor equipment, no assignments, gripe session]

Took my Psych exam

Took my Psych exam tonight. It had questions like:

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a gang?

a. Initiation rites
b. distinctive colors and symbols
c. common territories rather than ownership of specific territories
d. feuds with one or more rival gangs

Ugh. Well, at least it’s over with and I can get my A.

I’m teaching tomorrow. Drafting class at the high school.

The teacher gave an extra credit paper, “Write two pages about your educational and career goals”. I couldn’t fill 2 paragraphs. That’s a bad sign, isn’t it? A brain the size of a planet, and I’m reduced to this.

Exams are coming up

Exams are coming up this and next week.

So where are all those Iraqi weapons of mass destruction

TJIC has set up his own domain for Technical Video Rental. :-)

So where are all those Iraqi weapons of mass destruction that Colin Powell was talking about in front of the U.N. on February 6, 2003. He had recordings and confessions and photos with circles and arrows (and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining…). They haven’t found a single bit. Did Colin lie? Did the U.S. Secretary of State fabricate an entire presentation in front of the U.N. and international television? Maybe everything was trucked to another enemy country… maybe it was all smoke and mirrors. Jeez, the real world is more tense and exciting than the TV show 24; that’s a hard act to follow.