Archive for March 2003

I -DID- get this working

I’ll straighten up the formatting tomorrow. I rock.

Comment on Snorcomments []

Spambot well poisoner

I also installed Spambot well poisoner… Spam^Bot^Poison. You can get the source here or see it in action here. The idea is that Spambots will fetch the bad addresses on this page and it’ll slow their spamming down a little. Hey, every bit counts. These kinds of things make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I got the formatting on Snorcomments just right. Done.

Earthlink CGI::Cookie module is messed up

How come sweet and sour sauce is really only sweet and sweet sauce? Was the sour aspect weeded out by American tastes?


I’ve got a call in to Earthlink via email:

The following simple web script doesn’t work. It generates a “500 Internal Server Error”
use CGI::Cookie;
print “Content-type: text/html\n\n”;
print “Hello world!\n”;
However, if you were to comment out “use CGI::Cookie;”, it works just fine.
Interestingly, the Earthlink Perl Syntax checker doesn’t see any problem with my code.

Can you help?

I sent it via email because there wasn’t anyone on support at midnight last night.

I’ve noticed that Earthlink’s email support sucks mad cow testicles, while the LivePerson chat support is very respectable. I think I’ll try a chat now…



Earthlink admitted that their CGI::Cookie module is messed up! 3 freaking days of banging my head against this and I’ve solved all the hard parts!

NOW, I just have to install my own CGI::Cookie module in my own directory and forget about Earthlink’s. Of course, I’ve never installed my own module, but it should be a piece of cake, right? Ugh.


There are 4 different cookie modules at CPAN and it’s not obvious which is the right one. I’m getting unhappy already. You know, there’s a film festival going on this weekend a couple towns over…. Maybe I’ll go to that and when I come back, this problem will be magically fixed (by the Perl Gnomes of course)







With a little luck (and no more hangups) I’ll have comments working shortly.


More notes:

  • Symbio ships all it’s files in DOS format… IE: with CRs and LFs. So you have to convert all of them to Unix, with just a LF. What the heck is a Sourceforge project (with many Unixisms in it) doing being native to Windows??
  • In Earthlink, if you set permissions on a script to be World Writable, it will mysteriously crap out on you. Fuck you too, Earthlink.
  • It looks like Earthlink doesn’t have the freaking Cookies Module installed! “CGI::Cookie;” is crapping out my test scripts! That’s like Ford Motor company not offering automatic transmissions on their 2004 cars.

It still doesn’t work. That Cookie thing will need a call to Earthlink.

I -will- get this to work.

Something at fucking Earthlink is stopping me

4:29am. I give up. I can’t do it. Something at fucking Earthlink is stopping me. I found a really sexy comment system called Symbio. And I pushed and prodded Snorcomments and Symbio for-freaking-ever.

Earthlink says they don’t offer CGI support, just the space. So I might be fucked. Maybe I’ll run it by them anyway, and a couple friends.

In case you’re interested, my favorite swear is, “God-damned mother fucking shit.” It’s said quickly and quietly, almost under one’s breath. This has been my preferred swear of last resort for as long as I can remember… at least early high school.

God-damned blog comment software

[rant on]

God-damned blog comment software! I’ve spent too many frigging hours working on this, with no frigging results!! All I want is a cute little button at the end of my log entries letting people talk about my log entries. It’d look like this:
Comments [6]
I spent forever surfing the net for code. Then what I found doesn’t work. Cgicomments… NOBODY can get Cgicomments to work. Snorcomments… I’ve been fiddling with the frigging file permissions for hours and I’m getting nowhere. Whenever I find a reference to someone who’s gotten a good blog commenter working, the reference turns out to be old… They switched to Movabletype or Blogger or something. And I’d use an online blogging comment solution too if I thought for a single second that I could trust them with my data. But there is NO WAY I’m going to trust any of these services with my bits on a permanent basis. They’re free services being weighed down by sizable bandwidth and hardware fees, being run by guys in their spare time. I know what that’s like… I ran such a service and, at some point, they’ll run out of steam and there’s a very real chance that some of the bits will get lost forever.

So all I can do is trust some locally based system… The idea isn’t hard… heck, it’s just a snazzed up Guestbook run on my own server. But Earthlink…. and… errr. ahahahakljsldkjsa dflsl ajkasdf j JDFSASD FJJSK:L

[rant off]

I -will- get it to work.

WNTI radio rules. Eagleslayer singing “The boy with Robotic Arms” made me laugh so hard, my sides hurt for 10 minutes! Heard right here on Ritchie Murder’s Atari Baby show, 1:40am, 3-13-03.

style sheet junkieall-pastrami diet

Check out this style sheet junkie. Go to Brown Pau’s site. Now reload his site… and again. Each time it loads with different style sheets and has an entirely different look. Nifty. :-)


I’m still on my all-pastrami diet from Saturday night’s food adventure. Yow.

Harold’s Deli in Edison

Dave and I went out to Harold’s Deli in Edison, NJ Saturday night. Had a great time. He gave me some new warez. I still have over 1/2 lb of pastrami in my fridge. Their portions are….. when Dave’s slice of carrot cake arrived, I couldn’t stop laughing for a full 5 minutes; it was over 18″ tall! The waitress laid it down on it’s side so it wouldn’t tip over, crushing one of us. I swear, as it sat there, it looked more like a log of firewood than a piece of cake! Dave cut a sliver off, split the sliver in half and gave it to me. It was pretty good cake, and it filled me up.

On the way out, he handed me one of his bags so he could open a door. I was confused for a moment because I hadn’t seen Dave come in with any packages, but here he was, handing me some shopping bag with maybe a toaster or a small ham in it. Then I realized, and laughed again!

Telemarketing is reaching new heights

Dude, telemarketing is reaching new heights every day. I just got a call from a machine saying [paraphrased], “Hello. Legislation in NJ is going to make you pay for television that you don’t want! Legislation is going to force every cable subscriber to pay for the YES network (The Yankee’s baseball network) whether they want it or not. Press 1 now and we’ll connect you with your state representative. Tell them that you would like them to vote ‘No’ on the YES Network bill.”

So I pressed 1 and it connected me to the NJ state senate! I didn’t leave a message because I don’t like making decisions like this so quickly… But in the time I’ve taken to write this, I’ve weighed the issue and, yea, I think I’ll write a letter to my state senator opposing this ridiculousness. What the hell is the state doing getting so involved in cable TV? If people want to watch the Yankees, then they can Pay-Per-View it.. or pay for an extra tier of cable service or something. Sports isn’t a universal pastime. And even if it was, then pretty soon I’ll be paying $100/month for cable for the Rangers Network, the Jersey Devils Network, the Giants Network, etc… And if the cable TV network can’t handle so many tiers or pay-per-views or whatever, then maybe it’s time to invest in a better cable TV system.

Done. I sent three letters today.

I’m just a little mad at myself that I didn’t send those letters sooner. But then I didn’t have Cablevision before…

Radio Userland

Oo oo oo! Radio Userland might just be the thing for helping my cousins (and myself!) do archivable weblogs (see my 3-7-03 log entry)! I’ll try it out soon!