Bunch o Updates

Last night I bought a couple things so I can get my Zagi flying wing model airplane in the air for the spring. It should be flying soon.

I subbed today at the High School as a Music teacher. The kids were difficult and I don’t have any musical training to fall back on so it was rough. One class had me keeping the 41 girl chorus in decorum. It wasn’t so bad. But those piano classes were rough!

Yow, in the last month, I’ve seen 15 movies with Netflix! My brain is getting full. Here’s what I’ve seen and how I rated it on Netflix (from 1 to 5). I’ve got no plans to systematically rate and review all of the movies I watch. That’s a bit obsessive, even for me. Netflix begs you to rate the movies so you can get better customized recommendations…

Memento 4, XXX: Special Edition 1, My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3, Jackson Pollock: Love and Death on Long Island 3, Fight Club 3, Donnie Darko 5, The Royal Tenenbaums 2, The Matrix: Revisited 5, Princess Mononoke 4, Mystery Men 2, Changing Lanes 3, Mr. Deeds 3, Signs 5, Panic Room 2, Minority Report 3

Currently reading:

  • In Code: A Mathematical Journey by Sarah Flannery
  • Wired Magazine, April 2003
  • Baseline Magazine, March 2003
  • Medjugorje: The Mission and Medjugorje: The Message by Wayne Weible

Recently finished:

  • What Do You Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character by Richard Feynman, et al

I’m getting straight A’s in both my Psychology and Math classes. I like it like ‘dat!

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