Telemarketing is reaching new heights

Dude, telemarketing is reaching new heights every day. I just got a call from a machine saying [paraphrased], “Hello. Legislation in NJ is going to make you pay for television that you don’t want! Legislation is going to force every cable subscriber to pay for the YES network (The Yankee’s baseball network) whether they want it or not. Press 1 now and we’ll connect you with your state representative. Tell them that you would like them to vote ‘No’ on the YES Network bill.”

So I pressed 1 and it connected me to the NJ state senate! I didn’t leave a message because I don’t like making decisions like this so quickly… But in the time I’ve taken to write this, I’ve weighed the issue and, yea, I think I’ll write a letter to my state senator opposing this ridiculousness. What the hell is the state doing getting so involved in cable TV? If people want to watch the Yankees, then they can Pay-Per-View it.. or pay for an extra tier of cable service or something. Sports isn’t a universal pastime. And even if it was, then pretty soon I’ll be paying $100/month for cable for the Rangers Network, the Jersey Devils Network, the Giants Network, etc… And if the cable TV network can’t handle so many tiers or pay-per-views or whatever, then maybe it’s time to invest in a better cable TV system.

Done. I sent three letters today.

I’m just a little mad at myself that I didn’t send those letters sooner. But then I didn’t have Cablevision before…

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