Archive for February 2003

The War on Drugs is Completely Idiotic

[written 2-28-03]

On 2-25-03, some 55 web sites that sold “drug paraphernalia” like water pipes and bongs were shut down by the DEA.

I went to check out a couple of the sites that had been shut down, among them and The sites have been replaced by this absolutely ridiculous government page. It reads:

By application of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, the website you are attempting to visit has been restrained by the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(e)(1)(A).

Dude, I was so stoned, it felt like my head was this big!

I noticed that these pages loaded peculiarly slowly so I took a look at the source of the pages… It’s such an obscene waste of HTML that it’s not even funny! They took the 40 word sentence, 230 characters in all and governmentalized the HTML. Take a guess how many characters are in the actual HTML? Think about it for a second… you need some header info, some font info… image referrer… maybe another 10 lines of code right? WRONG. They puffed this single sentence into 15,312 characters… That’s 15 kilobytes of information… 66 times the actual document size! How did they manage to vomit such a quantity of red tape on the internet?!?! They should be arrested for such an obscene display of code!

In case those pages aren’t up anymore, I’ve archived one here. The document is actually so fucked up, they couldn’t fit it in one .html file. There’s an index.html and a header.htm. And the big kicker is, they dicked around with 15 K of worthless HTML and then used the lowest quality background image of the American flag they possibly could. The image is only 10K! It feels like they are burning the flag!

Here I am, foaming at the mouth about this, and I haven’t even gotten to the part about our own federal government shutting down legitimate, profitable businesses!

Mr. Rogers Died

I just heard on NPR news that Fred Rogers, Mr. Rogers died from stomach cancer today.

Thank you for your contribution to my life, Mr. Rogers.

I Eat Too Much

Yow! I was eating some cereal and decided to weigh it on my postal scale…. One bowl of cereal is 4-6 "servings"!!! A "serving" is 30 grams… My box went empty at 100 grams, and that was into what I consider an only moderately full bowl. That means I get over 800 calories and all of my USDA of vitamins from 1 bowl! Jeez, if I ate Total brand cereal, I might even be overdosing on some of my vitamins!!

And I'm supposed to consume 2,500 calories per day?

I'm going to have to take a close look at what I put in my mouth every day!

My thoughts about Saddam Hussein keep shifting

My thoughts about Saddam Hussein keep shifting… and always in the same direction. Travis just showed me a heavy article about the situation there. Now please be aware that I haven’t ever held any strong beliefs on the issue. I’ve just followed the popular media on the issue. I haven’t done the research on the topic that I would need to form a firm opinion.

Disclaimer: These are all ‘soft’ thoughts about the situation. I haven’t had a need to solidify my beliefs about the Iraq situation, though it should be evident from this journal entry where I currently stand.

I’ve thought for a long while that an embargo war would be moderately successful against Iraq, pulling them into a more passive role in world politics. It bugged me that I rarely heard about the Iraqi government; it was always about Saddam. I didn’t really think that one man ruled the country… maybe it was ruled by a small government, but not 1 man. I felt that the media had skewed our impression, putting a single face on a whole country.

When George Dubbya talked about the situation, I assumed that…. well, Dubbya just doesn’t look like an honest man to me.

Dubbya has a few speech giving habits that make me think he’s a big fat liar. I recently watched him closely for these habits and a hugely prominent one is his inappropriate smiles. He’ll say something serious like, “The Axis of Evil must be put down at any cost.” And then he’d smile with an intensity. That smile has always said to me, “You and I both know exactly what has to be done and why. We have this mutual understanding. We are completely together on this. Our mission is so plain and clear before us. We’ve realized something together that is remarkable! Now let’s act” It’s the same smile that a teacher might show a student to emphasize a point of Eureka, that epiphany moment when the student is supposed to ‘get it’. Well screw you, Dubbya. Your body language and mouth aren’t on the same page! You’re trying to suck me into your fantastic realization, but you haven’t explained anything to me bo me besides your dislike for the “Axis of Evil”… and you haven’t even tried to convince me that this axis IS evil. And he never does present an argument… it’s always just an opinion. He looks shifty, not like a leader.

Another awful habit, that he has, is to put, pauses in at completely inappropriate, moments. I listened to part of one of his speeches, today and found it almost unlistenable. It’s like he’s always pausing, so that a translator, can catch up, to him. It drives me, crazy!

Ah, but I digress. Let’s get back to my soft opinions about Iraq.

It also often bugged me that I never heard anything from the Iraqi government. Maybe the US or the media was stifling their voice. Maybe the Iraqi government was keeping a lid on everything. There’s a LOT of play there! Where is the Iraqi voice? And I know that the language of politics isn’t one that I can trust. For example, when it came up that the huge Iraqi disclosure paperwork was missing some weapons and some chemicals. Well, maybe the Iraqis buried them and really never wanted to use them again but it was more of a pain to destroy them than to just bury them…. of course they could never admit to having them in the first place or the bully Americans would cry foul. OR, maybe the Iraqis are busy loading smallpox into ICBMs and that’s why we couldn’t find them. I’m not qualified to say which is the truth, especially not by listening to the international politicians.

One of my alert mechanisms that I’ve relied on and has served me well is my wariness of repetition. If someone repeats something many many times, and goes to lengths to make sure I hear the message over and over, I become suspicious. I know that human psychology is wired so that we want to fit in… to believe what everyone else believes. This mechanism is played upon every day by advertisers and politicians trying to sway our opinions. And, by and large, it works. People buy Louis Vuittion handbags and Massingil douche regardless of their own style or the helpfulness of douching. So when our president tells me at every opportunity that we should blow up Saddam, but he doesn’t give a solid reason, bells go off in my head.

Then I saw Colin Powell. He sat there showing photographs and taped recordings of legitimately extremely suspicious behavior. My opinion shifted. The most striking and dramatic revelation to me was the satellite photos. He showed photos of a suspected weapons production facility. Two days before the inspectors showed up, a whole mess of trucks pulled up and took “something” away. When the inspectors showed up, the place was empty. He said this scramble took place over thirty times. Ok, you’ve got my attention.

I’ve rarely heard the voices of Iraqi people. Travis’ article gives some of them a voice and also tells me why I haven’t heard from them. From my previous close contact experiences with far-left politics, I feel empowered to mutter to myself, “Bleeding fucking liberals. They’re so wrapped up in their own frigging cause that they don’t even know what their real cause is.”

Indivisible, But Not Under God

[written 2-27-03]

It is possible that the phrase, “under God” will be removed from the pledge of allegiance shortly. I believe that to be appropriate. From today’s (2-28-03) online NY Times, “…a federal appeals court Friday refused to reconsider its ruling that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is unconstitutional because of the words ‘under God.'”

All 24 Circuit Court judges were asked if they thought the case should be reheard, but only 9 thought they should. So it’ll either go to the US Supreme Court or the 9th Circuit, most of the west coast, will be removing “under god” from their pledge time.

I remember wondering why the heck “under god” was in the pledge when I was saying it in 5th grade. It never felt right. I even recall muttering those two words under my breath in high school home-room in an attempt to lessen it’s hold on me. And I went to a catholic high school. I’m glad they’re putting that phrase down.

I wrote to my Senators and Rep about this in June, 2002. Over a year later, a senator wrote back to me about it. So I responded. Here’s the exchange:

* My original letter to Senators and Representative
* Senator Corzine’s response
* My followup (I also wrote similar letters to my other Senator and Rep)

If you’re not up for reading the exchange, my two points are:

1. About 15% of adult Americans are insulted by the phrase “under God”, either because they are non-religious or practice a religion that does not believe to be under one god. For 15% of adult Americans, the phrase “under God” is a direct affront to their religious sensibilities.
2. The phrase was added to the Pledge in 1954, in defiance of the “godless” communist threat. Well, the Cold War is over. In the current political and terrorist climate, one could easily argue that “God” is causing more problems for the U.S. government than he is solving.

update 9-14-05

The latest distributed computing venture, Folding@Home

The latest distributed computing venture: Folding@Home via Google Compute. First, get the Google Toolbar. It’s good. Then install the compute thingie from my link (google doesn’t publicize the Compute link. I think that’s because the Folding venture has already gotten pretty much enough recruits. Hehe. The Google team is more than 1/2 of Folding’s distributed client base!

I now run both Seti@Home and Google Compute. I found that Seti sometimes slows down my tasks… a 1/2 second pause here and there. It’s nothing big but a little bother. So I run Seti in screen-saver-only mode. I haven’t ever had any performance problems with Folding, so I let it run all the time. Like right now!

Plumbing, Subbing and Humidifiers

I just got back with a weekend with Steve, Kim and little Benjamin. What a nice weekend! The rain kept us from cross-country skiing. Steve and I put in a garbage disposal and telephone extension in their house. Figuring out the exact piping at Home Depot was a trip. We ended up fitting together about 10 PVC parts in this fun jig-saw. Everything worked great (including my never-before-tested PVC gluing skills!) except for one thing: For the trap, we used a U-joint with a threaded and plugged hole in the bottom. The idea is that if you drop something in the sink, you can fetch it through the hole and not have to cut open the pipes with a saw. The problem was that it leaked! The rubber gasket sucked and the threads weren’t very good. We were about to break out the epoxy when Stevie threw out the gasket, wrapped the threads with sealing tape and screwed it on tight. The moral of the story is: don’t use U-joints with screw openings as sink traps. One alternative is to get a U-joint with compression couplings on both sides.

I also figured out how to fix our constantly leaking hot-water heater. After doing a little research for Stevie about hot water expansion tanks, it’s plainly obvious that the absence of one on our system is causing our hot water heater to leak out of the safety valve. When our system was installed, they put in this ridiculous expansion-tank wanna-be. It’s just a copper pipe coiled to look like a spring. It is supposed to have air in it to act as a bladder but it only has at most 1 pint of air or so in it. Though, after a few years all the air will be saturated into the water passing by. Our 50 gallon tank needs like 2 gallons of air bladder. The part that makes me angry is that we had “our” contractor come look at why the safety valve was leaking. He tested the water pressure (it was fine) and looked at the system… he even even pointed out the spring-bladder to me, and while in the furnace room installing a whole-house humidifier (incorrectly, but that’s another rant) he saw the valve leaking while the water heater was running. And after all that, he didn’t recommend putting in a real bladder but he DID replace the valve for $100 (it’s a $10 part). Of course that didn’t fix the problem! He’s a friggin idiot! I’ll be installing the new bladder myself, thank you very much.

I subbed on Friday!`It went just fine! I subbed for 2 high school typing classes and a Photoshop class. I was also a hall monitor for 1/2 an hour! I did well with the kids. Each class had a different feel but they were all good.

A couple fun memories:

  • About 3 minutes after my first class started, the VP came to the front door and stared the kids down for a few seconds. He was silently saying, “Be good with the substitute or I’ll kick your butts!” I very much appreciated his care for the class and I. I was very happy to realize by the second class that I didn’t need his much recognized help.
  • At the end of the day (a Friday) most of the kids had completed their Photoshop project and were doing other things. There were a few kids in the back of the class that were talking. The conversation was getting a tiny bit unruly so I decided to come by for a visit. They kept talking while I stood by, leaning on a cabinet. I put myself in the conversation saying a few things. The conversation cooled off a little with my presence so we all kept enjoying the relaxing talk. At one point, one of the kids used some profanity with another… I think it was something like, “… so I thought, fuck that.” As soon as it left his mouth, he caught himself and paused. He looked up at me sheepishly, knowing he had stepped over a line. I looked down at him and gave him a look that said, “Yea, I know you know you shouldn’t have said that, just don’t do it again.” And the conversation continued. That was a very good moment.
  • In one class there were some kids that really didn’t want to do their typing assignment. I talked to them about it, trying to convince them. After all, I’m “just the sub” and don’t have as much pull. The conversation pleasantly surprised me. I had this feeling that although they probably wouldn’t end up as star typists at the end of this class, it wasn’t that they were just slackers, they just weren’t interested in this particular activity. They were probably smart kids and would do well in whatever they put their hearts to. :-) But I still pushed them to type the assignment!

Didn’t Sub, Nero Crapola

I didn’t get called to Sub…. again. I still haven’t Subbed! Grr! Now I’m more antsy than nervous. I just want to get my first day over with! I called and they don’t have any scheduled openings on Friday either. But I might get a call Friday morning….

More NERO crapola. Now it’s getting fun. Today 2 people responded to my post, which means the thread will get read even more. See the 2-19-03 entry on this page. It might even get hotly debated, which is exactly what Joe doesn’t want… And fairly what I’m hoping will happen. The best medicine for censorship is openness and truth.

A bunch of things

I’ve been working a lot on the website in the last few days.

2-16-03 Started adding Gram’s recipes to Cooking.
2-15-03 updated Films.
2-12-03 added section About My
Yet Unrealized Home
, updated "God
Bless America" rant
, updated NERO
, updated TV

I’ve got a bit of leg-work and data entry ahead of me with the recipes…

I just got back from a long walk around the neighborhood. It was a very serene sunset. I got this very in-tune feeling. I was standing on a snowy roadway listening and watching the colors around me. About 40 yards away I heard a small bird jump out of his tree, swoop down and then flap up for a landing on another tree 90 yards away. All my first impressions of his flight were with my ears and not my eyes. It was wonderful.

I took it all in, finding an eagle (hawk?) 250 yards away on a perch by his cry, then following his leap and flight toward the setting sun. I hung out for a while with about 12 other birds hanging around a large berry bearing vine. (hehe, say “berry bearing” 10 times fast!)

I saw Signs on DVD. The bonuses on the disc are great. Let me air a big-headed fantasy for a second and say, “If I made films, I would like to make them like M. Night Shyamalan.” Patience, realistic detail, connection to the viewer with realistic feeling visuals, dialog and situations… OK, I’ll put my fantasy away now.


Ack, My Netflix queue has 25 movies in it! Right now I’m feeling that Netflix doesn’t give me the instant gratification that I’m used to with my Tivo. But I recall how much I enjoyed the terrific picture quality and bonuses of Signs… I suppose I’ll adapt.

DVDs You Have Out:
1 Signs
2 Changing Lanes
3 Mr. Deeds

The Matrix: Revisited
Princess Mononoke
Mystery Men
Donnie Darko
The Royal Tenenbaums

Dogtown and Z-Boys
Jackson Pollock: Biography
Fast, Cheap & Out of Control
My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Cirque du Soleil: Novelle Experience
Chuck Jones: Extremes and in Betweens
Short #6: Insanity
Men in Black II

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of
the Ring
Space: 1999: Vol. 1
Grave of the Fireflies
Grave of the Fireflies: Bonus Disc
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut

Lilo and Stitch
Seven Samurai
High Fidelity
Wide Awake
Spirited Away

PS. I was moderately against a war against Iraq until I saw Colin Powell’s report to the U.N. 2 weeks ago. It bugs me that when George Dubbya was crying for war, I ‘knew’ that his agenda was finishing Daddy’s work, boosting the economy by wartime production, boosting his poll numbers. But then Colin sat there and said, “Here is a satellite picture of the Iraqis shoving ‘something’, undoubtedly contraband into a truck 2 days before the Inspectors were to arrive. This situation repeated itself at 30 different locations.” OK, that’s something.

All this time, it felt like Dubbya had just been up there stumping. He’s not a very believable person. He’s not a very good speaker. He’s not a very likable person. Why the heck is he president? Ugh… I know, that opens up another can of worms with Al Gore and such… But I’m thinking more about the big picture… Why doesn’t the cream of politicians rise to the top more (note to self: don’t insert snide ‘scum’ remark here)? Ugh, I think I’m asking questions that are too big for me to answer. “It’s complicated”. But I suppose by comparison, the US does a pretty good job at it…. I’m none too happy that I can’t get a better handle on this issue in my mind.

How not to install a whole-house humidifier

Hurumph. I didn’t get to sub on Friday. It was a snow day. The snow was absolutely beautiful. It was about 25 degrees, very little wind, and big fluffy beautiful flakes covered everything. The tops of all the tree branches were covered in an extraordinary way.

We put in a whole-house humidifier today. After only a few hours we could all feel the difference in the house. It feels warmer and cozier! The coziness is quite palpable.. in exactly the same way that a room in summer can be stuffy. Now our house is 3 shades closer to stuffy and 3 shades further away from bone dry.

When putting one in, you’ve got to watch out that you don’t encourage mold growth in your ductwork. I did a little research on the topic. Here’s some tips:

Think very carefully about using one if you have insulated ductwork. You can get into trouble with this. I didn’t follow up on this angle but it looks important.

The guys at Lennox said that you have to make sure the plenum is at least 120 degrees. (plenum is a $5 plumber word for “duct-work”… actually, it refers to any space pressurized by air. Your ducts are pressurized by the fan in the heater so that the air gets pushed around the house) This means that (according to our installer) you shouldn’t install it on a Lennox pulse-fired heater because the output air isn’t hot enough…. but I don’t have much faith in what he says; he installed our humidifier incorrectly.. I’ll tell you about that later. It also means that you shouldn’t run the humidifier while the heater isn’t running. As an example, you should recall how in room humidifiers, the filters often advertise how they are impregnated with silver to keep the mold at bay. Well, imagine if there wasn’t any silver and the mold had free reign of all your duct-work. Bad. The idea is that the 120 degree air in the plenum keeps the mold at bay.

In our installation, our guy incorrectly wired the motor on the humidifier to the 24 volt “ACC” accessory tie in. So the humidifier wheel would run whenever the blower in the furnace was on. I had him rewire it so that it was attached to the wires for heat (green and white wires, I think) going between the furnace and the thermostat. So then the humidifier only comes on when there is a call for heat… and the plenum is hot. We’ll see how well it goes.

I was a little disappointed with their choice of humidifier as well. A Lennox WD 15 Humidiwheel. Even though the guy swore up and down that it didn’t have any trouble with lime deposits, I don’t believe him. There are several newer models that go to special lengths to flush lime out of the system… I mean, this thing evaporates 15 gallons of water a day of pretty hard water… The lime has to go somewhere! I’ve got a feeling that I’m going to be self-installing my own unit in a few months. It’s good that I watched him install the unit.

Next time, I’ll definitely install the things myself. The average HVAC technician just doesn’t have the brain-power to get it right.

There was this other issue about a hot water heater safety valve that I spoke to him about… The conversation we had bothered me. He sounded more intent on replacing parts and charging us than fixing the problem. You see, 2 months ago we had asked him to fix a problem with a leaky safety valve on our hot water heater so he replaced the valve. He was pretty sure it wouldn’t fix the problem (and it didn’t) but did it anyway because we had told him “that valve leaks, fix it.” Duh, I’m not a plumber but I’m smart enough to say, “Hey, there’s water on the floor, I should call someone that will know what to do.” If they’re not smart enough to know what to do, then I should call someone else! Or… learn how to fix it myself. Grrrr.