Reverie FAQ

6-20-98 by Lee Sonko

a short "getting started" FAQ for Reverie, the NERO-Ashbury MOO.

Table of Contents

What is a MOO?
How do I get a username?
How do I connect to Reverie?
What are the basic commands I need?

What is a MOO?

MOO stands for "MUD, Object Oriented". OK, so what is a MUD? MUD stands for (among other things) Multi-User Dungeon. MOOs are second generation MUDs. OK, so what -is- a MUD? A MUD is a virtual world where your character can walk around and interact with other characters and things. All of the communication is done with descriptive text. For example, here is an exurpt from an actual session

--Next to the fire You are sitting next to a roaring fire. The rest of the tavern is to the south.
--The Dragon's Flaggon
The Dragon's Flaggon is arguably the most important structure in Ashbury. It is a place of commerce, of negotiation, of lesuire. Scoundrels and Nobility gathered together under one roof. Watch your back. Exits appear to be the front doorway to the east and the steps leading upstairs. There is a fireplace in the north end of the room Gadlen is here.
>say hey Gadlen, what's up?
Gadlen say, "I was just upstairs, the conference room is empty. Let's go!"
--Upstairs hallway in the Flaggon
A hallway leading to several smaller rooms upstairs in the Dragon's Flaggon. There are two doors with plaques on them reading 1 and 2. You can also go back downstairs.
--Function hall (room 1)
A fairly boring room with a long table and several chairs. A sign on the wall reads, Rent me by the hour! The only exit is the door. Wizard has arrived.
>say What did you want to talk about?
Wizard say, "I have the secret plans! Here, let me give them to you!"
Wizard gives you secret plans

How do I get a username?

As you've heard, there are no anonymous characters on Reverie. If you want to give Reverie a try, you can connect as a guest but you shouldn't do this more than a few times. You want to get the added benefits and prestige of having a registered character! You'll have to request your character from the moomaster!

Send a letter from your character's email address to Tell him the following info (and nothing more)

In a few days you'll be emailed a password to get in. Note that if you abuse the system, your username may be revoked. We're nice. We trust you are too.

How do I connect to Reverie?

There are two main ways to connect. You can use what's called a "client" or you can connect directly with a "telnet" session.

If you have a Java enabled web browser, just click on this link and you'll be connected to Reverie with a basic Java client called Cup-O-MUD

If you don't have a Java enabled web browser, you can connect with basic telnet.

After a while using a straight telnet, you'll probably want to get a more advanced connection. One with better text editing, screen handling, and maybe some macros.
There are many MUD/MOO client programs you can run on your computer that will make your MUDing experience better. TinyFugue and TinTin come well rated on Unix. ZMUD from comes well rated on the Windows side. There are lots more client programs, don't let me stop you from trying one that isn't listed here!

If you really must use a basic telnet client, you may have to set your local program to echo local characters. If you can't see what you type, on the Moo, find this option in your telnet software.

What are the basic commands I need?

note: to make these commands work, you must type them exactly as they appear, with no additional or removed punctuation. When words are in brackets [like this] it means that you should replace that text with your own. For this sample, assume the name of the character is "Gadlen"
