NERO Ashbury LARP Homepage

last modified: 2/16/96. Recent changes to this Webpage
Nero Ashbury is a live action roleplaying group based in Brooklyn, NY.
Tell me about Nero -A quick primer.
Describe a typical Weekend.
What's the best way to get started?

Keeping Current:

new We have two online areas where you can chat with other users. Check 'em out.
Schedule of Events


1994 January February March
April May June
July August September
October Nov/Dec Nov/Dec
1995 January February March
April May June
July August September
October November December

Some Newsletter Highlights
Some of the Nobles Tournament answers from the 10-95 Tournament
A poem composed by Daphne Green of the Royal Healer's Guild on the topic of Chivalry from 8-95
A list of all of the events from 8/93 to 1/95

How do I get there?

Other possibly useful stuff

Info about our Internet mailing list and America Online
Who's who on the mailing lists
How to contact other Nero chapters
Our address
How much NERO costs

Other sites on the WWWeb to check out
A short treatise on necromancy

Would you die for this man?

Some Nero modules:

This page has been accessed lots of times since 2/12/96

This site maintained by: Lee Sonko and James Quirk