
Results for swarm

OrbSWARM Project Mothballed

In 2007, Michael Prados, Jon Foote, and I co-organized the OrbSWARM art project along with 25 amazing mechatronic artists, it was a blast! The project was active from 2007 to 2012 but the orbs are still out there, rolling somewhere! I just reorganized all the content: turned the wiki and blog into static sites, put […]

OrbSWARM Roll at Cal Academy

We had a great roll at Cal Academy last Thursday night Here’s a totally sweet video of the event from Octotod local version:

SWARM at Techkriti, Kanpur India!

Along with 3 friends, I am will be presenting SWARM at the Techkriti Annual Technology and Entreprenurship Festival February 11-14th, 2010 in Kanpur India! Dr Jonathan Foote, Marnia Johnston, Niladri Bora and I will be exhibiting SWARM throughout the entire festival. On February 13th we will present our talk. We are greatly honored to be […]

Going to India with SWARM!

Feb 4-16 or so I’m going to India with SWARM! We’re showing the orbs for 4 days and giving a presentation at Techkriti in Kanpur, India. Do you want me to bring anything back with me?

SWARM Progress, Off to Burning Man

Tomorrow morning I’m on my way to the desert for a week of craziness. Be back next Tuesday. I’ve been working a lot on SWARM. In the last few weeks I: complied the audio tracks for the sound system (a mix of editing, creating, and working with a novel sound playback system) fixed up the […]

Presenting SWARM at the Desert Arts Preview

Coreyfro and I will be making a 10 minute presentation about SWARM at the Burning Man Desert Arts Preview. Our presentation will be at 9:45 p.m. They might stream the video on the Burning Man web site but I don’t have any more information about that. Here is the schedule… Burning Man 2008 Desert Arts […]

SWARM Rocks Coachella

I got back from Coachella Monday morning. The weekend was tremendous fun. High-points: Kraftwerk – I’ve heard bits of their music for years but their super-low-key on-stage performance was enthralling. Prince – He’s an incredibly talented guitarist, an incredible singer, terrific on the piano, an incredible showman and choreographer, a fantastic songwriter, and incredibly expressive […]

SWARM 2.1 is Going to the Playa

And I’m the named artist. :-) Of course, SWARM is actually a rag tag fugitive fleet of about 25 people. But this is still pretty dern cool.

SWARM Glamour Shots

Here’s a couple SWARM Glamour Shots that Mark Alexander shot of Erik and myself. It’s mid-August and we’re working at the Box Shop on getting the batteries for the 6 orbs up to snuff for the playa.


I created and submitted a video for the VIDA 10.0 international competition with help from my friends. VIDA 10.0 is an international competition created to reward excellence in artistic creativity in the fields of Artificial Life and related disciplines, such as robotics and Artiftcial Intelligence.We are looking for artistic projects that address the interaction between […]