
Results for srl

I Got SRL Swag!

I’ve been on Survival Research Labs Patreon for a while. Today I got some SWAG in the actual postal mail! They are hoping to have a show near San Francisco this fall. They say being on the Patreon is the only/best way to get invited.  

Video from the XFF SRL Show

local version: :-)   Here’s a glimpse of the SRL Hovercraft by day (Hi Tad!) And some SRL bedlam by night

SRL Upcoming Show

If you ever get the chance to see an SRL show, you see it. A little more on the subject. Enter: SRL at the Extreme Futurist Festival 2012 SRL will be performing at this year’s  Extreme Futurist Festival  in LA December 22 2012. XFF is a 2 day arts and technology festival focusing on cutting […]

What I Want for Xmas: SRL Show at my Apartment

If you really loved me, you’d get me this for Xmas (on eBay) (right-click and open in a new window to enlarge)

SRL Was on the Cutting Edge When I Was in Elementary School

This is art. And incredible. SRL staged the Crime Wave show in 1995 after which Mark Pauline and Mike Dingle were promptly arrested and questioned by local authorities and the FBI and later charged with arson and the use of explosives to endanger the public… Here’s an excerpt from their 1989 show: local version: […]

Todd Blair SRL Benefit

From Amaker As some of you might know, a friend, Todd Blair (, was seriously injured at the last SRL show in Amsterdam. I’m asking for donations from artisans, crafters, and technicians to sell at a benefit on December 1st, 2007 (   100% of the sales will go to Todd’s recovery fund. The benefit […]

SRL Lecture

I went to the Mark Pauline lecture (founder of SRL) at CCA. Suprisingly, I met up with an acquaintance of mine at the lecture. She goes to school there. The world just got smaller :-) The lecture was very good. Two things I noticed…. He lost part of his right hand in an accident many […]

SRL Show

I went to the SRL Show, “GHOSTLY SCENES of INFERNAL DESECRATION” last night. Photos will be forthcoming. I think I only took short video clips…. photos just didn’t do it justice at all. The deafening sounds (literally… my earplugs weren’t NEARLY enough), blasts of heat and soot and smoke… It was weird, awsome, frightening… avante […]

Survival Research Laboratories

The SRL show in San Jose in 2005 rocked my world! Here I am talking about it 20 years later! Find out what is so astounding. I signed up to their Patreon this week to hopefully see another show and bring Abigail. You’ll have to sign up for their Patreon for the possibility of catching […]

Help Find a Place for the Greatest Show on Earth SRL is looking for a location scout. This is a paid position. Job description: To locate a suitable site for a large scale SRL machine performance in the bay area, (NOT San Francisco, as we’re banned from ever performing there by the SFFD). To get permission to use the site from the owners. To […]