
Results for occupational therapy

Master’s Research Project: The Relationship Between Stress and Life Satisfaction Among Occupational Therapy Graduate Students

As part of my master’s in occupational therapy at San Jose State University, I authored a research project with my research professor. The project was to have my fellow OT students take some questionnaires about how stressed they were and how satisfied they were with their lives. I then crunched the numbers and got some […]

Scheduling for school-based occupational therapy: Caselite

Scheduling for school-based occupational therapy. I bought the Caselite software ($20/month) and it’s helping to reduce my stress over scheduling. It’s still a dynamic environment with multiple changing variables, but it feels more possible to manage it now. I’m not sure if I’ll buy a 1 year license ($179) but I’m glad I have it […]

How I studied for the NBCOT Occupational Therapy exam

I took the NBCOT earlier this month and got back my score a few days ago. I passed!  Some folks have asked how I studied for the NBCOT exam so here you go: I studied for about 5 weeks, 3-5 hours per day, 5 days a week. I received a score of 485 which appears […]

I Passed the Occupational Therapy Board Exam!!!

I passed the occupational therapy board exam!!! I am now a registered occupational therapist! My business card now reads Lee Sonko, MS, OTR I expect to be licensed within a month so I can start working as an OT in California! See my NBCOT certification below:

Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Done!

On Friday I finished 960 hours of fieldwork for my master’s degree in occupational therapy! The last step is to pass the board exam. If all goes well, I’ll have more letters after my name in August!

Occupational Therapy

Hey, this is starting to look real! Here’s a flyer for one of our community programs.

Occupational Therapy on the Radio

I’ll be entering an Occupational Therapy Master’s Program at San Jose State University in August. What is OT?  Here is an article about it from NPR. (via) Transcript: ARI SHAPIRO, host: Some people are calling the current economic downturn a man session – really. That’s because the jobless rate for men is about 2 percent […]

Occupational Therapy Salary Survey

First, I love the idea that every OT has told me that they love their job. Following that, I love that OT salaries are high and unemployment is virtually nonexistent. Here’s an article talking about OT salaries in 2012. Here’s the summary: * Average salary for therapists in the first 5 years is $64k * […]

Neurobiology Class Done. Now Occupational Therapy Grad School!

I just completed the last prerequisite class before entering my Occupational Therapy Master’s Program at San Jose State. I’m just a tiny bit proud that I got an “A” in this graduate-level class. The class had two sections; the other section was full of med school students. Classes at San Jose State start August 25th […]

Occupational Therapy Update

I’ve been doing a bit more volunteering in Occupational Therapy. I’m volunteering at the Spectrum School in Hayward, a non-public school for kids with autism. It’s been a really good, albeit intense experience. Can you help me find adult or geriatric OT where I can visit and volunteer at?  I’m still looking for a bit […]