
Results for bread

Some Bread

Bread baking friends, celebrate with me the videos made by the Proof Bread company in Phoenix! I’m linking to the video that got me hooked but the whole channel is a wonderment. I took some hints from the videos and came up with this: 1 1/2 cups of white flour, 1/8 cup whole wheat, 475 […]

The Best Sourdough Bread I’ve Ever Had

Today I ate the best sourdough I’ve ever had, and it came out of my own oven, from sourdough I cultivated from outside my back porch! It’s a REAL San Francisco Sourdough! Crusty (but not too crusty!) crust, moist, supple interior, a perfect “tear it in your mouth” crumb, and the sourdough flavor was… indescribable! […]

Real Bread in 10 Minutes

I’ve been making and teaching bread baking for a while. I just put the instruction sheet I use for the class (which also happens to be my own cheat sheet) online. Find it on my recipe site here. And please browse my other recipes on my personal recipe wiki.

Real Bread Feedback

I taught a Real Bread in 10 Minutes class at a friend’s house yesterday. The dynamic was quite different in a home than in a classroom. The feedback was pretty terrific. Victor G writes: Lee, Thank you so much for the fabulous time yesterday. It’s wonderful to learn new things and to do so while […]

Josey Baker Sourdough Bread Workshop

Over the summer I went to a sourdough bread workshop at 18 Reasons Josey Baker. I love to eat sourdough more than I like to make it. He put on a good workshop and I picked up a thing or two. Here’s the sheet he handed out:

Real Bread in 10 Minutes Class Saturday November 12th!

Hey, I’m teaching another Real Bread in 10 Minutes class on Saturday November 12th. Sign up on Skillshare. Here’s the blurb I put up on Skillshare. Real Bread in 10 Minutes Learn how to make fantastic home made bread that is easier, less expensive, faster and better than going to the store! About the Class […]

Presenting Real Bread at East Bay Maker Faire

It’s all confirmed, I’ll be presenting my “Real Bread in 10 Minutes” workshop (in 30 minutes) at the East Bay Mini Maker Fair Sunday October 16th. Come, it’ll be fun.   Update 10-30-11: East Bay Mini Maker Faire was quite fun. I particularly liked the space they did it in Temescal, Park Day School. Walking […]

Bread and Radio Frequency Use at East Bay Maker Faire

I’ll be presenting my 30 minute bread talk at East Bay Maker Faire, Hurray! They asked: If your exhibit uses radio frequencies, please elaborate here about what frequency your exhibit uses. My answer: I’ll be using 400 terahertz thru 789 terahertz on stage. I’m such a comedian.

Great Bread Class Testimonials

I’m teaching another bread class, Saturday October 1st 10am-1pm in the Mission. Join us! Liz Toole wrote to me a few weeks ago about the bread class I taught. What a great letter! Hi Lee, my boyfriend Alex and I came to your Real Bread in 10 Minutes class at the Institute of Urban Homesteading […]

Take My Real Bread Class This Saturday

I’m teaching “Real Bread in 10 Minutes” class Saturday at 10am! Come and learn how to make awesome bread at home, the easy way! . Sign up on or if you have my phone number, call me to reserve your place! . . Real Bread in 10 Minutes, Saturday June 25th 2011 10am-1pm Learn […]