dance the night away



© 1997

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listen to the original Hampsterdance music

(Some of the links above don't work any more. This page remains trapped in time)

Over the last several years, the page has 'evolved' from pure simple joy to, to this this weird Livin-the-Vida-Alvin-and-the-Chipmonks-and-buy-the-CD thing. I went to and pulled up the original version out of desperate need for a simpler time. It was a bother lifting the page from but now the original hampsterdance that I know and love will always be safe.

Now that I've posted this, I have to worry (just a little) about succumbing to the same problem the original page had. It was so popular that the guy had to take it down or get nailed with huge bandwidth fees. He eventually figured out how to make some money to pay for the site; I bought some of the original Hampstore postcards and refrigerator magnets! They are wonderful. But then the site changed... Progress. Hurumph! We don't need no stinkin' progress!  

So I present to you the simple pleasure of the Hampsterdance, circa 1997.
Resize your browser window for simple fun. Visit often for maximum pleasure!   - lee 5-7-02

[7-31-05] I tip my hat to Caesar Fisher of Ars Technica who, in his article agrees with CNet that Hampsterdance was the top web fad so far, except Caesar points out that, "...CNet links to a travesty of Hampster Dance exploitation, but you can get a feel for the original 1998 page here".