Here are some magic item ideas: Cathaoirmor,The Good Hunt Stats: +1 damage aura, +2 vs Sarr and Scavengers, permanent-expires Aug 1, 595. Begining Aug 1, 594, it is non-magic (and shatterable) on odd days (IE Oct 3,5,7) Whenever unsheathed the weilder must bark at least every 5 seconds, speak like a Gnoll and is prone to killing all enemies without mercy. Kasserian Sebestial, a Gnoll is Soul Stored into it. (optional stats: the wielder gains 1 backstab) The sword was created by Kavelin Nasaria, a Dark Elf wizard, in the employ of Kirk Slanter, a powerful Gnoll warrior in Myrr. Kirk commanded one or two great armies in his day. He was To celebrate the vanquishing of one of his enemies, Kasserian Sebestial, Kirk commisioned a weapon to help his hunt in the forest. Kasserian had once been the head of Kirk's secret guard but had turned against him a few months earlier, trying to usurp his power from within. To make sure that Kasserian would never stray to far from his leader again, he was Soul Stored into the weapon. This also made sure that Kasserian wouldn't ressurect and mess with Kirk for a very long time. All this happened hundreds of years ago. Kavelin, Kirk and all the old kingdoms are now long disolved. The only outward manifestation of Kasserian's spirit on the world for all those years was the slight change in personality exibited by the weilder of the weapon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hafhym's charming charm It is difficult to know the exact origins of this charm. By careful inspection of the artwork and materials, it has been dated to about 350. The artwork seems to be from Trellheim. The best guess is that this item once belonged to a coniving Baron or Baroness. It's name comes from the name of the Freehold in which it was found. 1x per day Charm spell. Instead of an incant, the caster must touch the reciepient's skin with their own for 10 seconds. The helmet of smelling: Gives increased smelling capabilities - only the person finds they can not stand the smell of their cohorts. ideas for New character attributes natural spellcasting ability ie 10 build gets a biata 1 charm per da. resistance to celestial magic rapid healing at the begining of every day the character gets back all their body points. (obviously only useful only on weekends so it should cost less) superior clotting it takes 2-5 minutes at -1 body to die and need a life spell. persuasion allows you to convince one character of one thing, similar to a charm spell although no magic is used. Stealth/cloak allows someone who is "cloaked" to be invisible and inaudible to 1 or more characters as long as they take the Cloak stance, walk in "baby steps" and touch a wall or vertical structure with one hand. Cloak also allows a person to pick a pocket. The item to be stolen must be describable in shape and location on the character's body for it to be taken. An unsucessful pickpocket will not be discovered. Characters may not steal items that are so large or unwieldy that the character would instantly notice that they were gone, nor may they steal items that are under the direct attention of the victim, such as a sword she is holding in her hand. oil of toughening. The recepient rubs the oil all over their body and gains a threshold to their body (but not armor!) ACME RING OF INVISIBILITY: [S5] This plain bronze ring is inscribed with "Ring of Invisibility" and "ACME Ring Co." When it is worn, the ring becomes invisible--it has no other function. RING OF BEGONE AND FORGOTTEN: [S5] This small silver ring is always found with other treasure. When it is put on, the wearer must save vs. spell or be transferred somewhere very far away indeed (DMO: may be another planet or plane....or another DM's world). The victim also loses his memory and the other party members forget the victim. (He loses specific memories only--his level, spells, skills, etc. remain.) Only the stark naked victim is transferred: all clothes and equipment stay. This is a good way to add treasure to your world, get rid of annoying player-characters without killing them and give blase` high-level sharacters the challenge of starting over. RING OF DAMAGE ABSORBTION: It gives the wearer an extra 20 armor points. These points are lost before real armor and after (Greater) Shield spells. The item cannot be recharged. BREATH MINTS: [S5] Breath mints are found as small colored mint-candies. These candies come in the same colors that dragons do, and the person who eats the mint can use the same breath weapon as the corresponding dragon. Damage is 2-12, range 10", weapon may be used 1-2 times only. User is immune to the effects of that sort of breath weapon during duration. These mints do not keep well. If spoiled, water-damaged, etc., they make the users mouth feel as though a dragon has been nesting in it for the last decade or so--and have only 75% or less to work at all. CHAIN OF SUBSPACE: [S5] This is a chain of mithril/laen links with a clasp on each end--size varies. This may either be as a large chain (20 feet long, each link 3 inches diameter) or as a bracelet. The large chain will always be unclapsed, the bracelet will always be clasped. When the large chain is laid in a circle and clasped it will change to the bracelet size, and any objects or people inside the circle (and up to 40 feet above) will be teleported to subspace and place in partial time stasis. For them no obective time will pass in relation to aging, spell duration, bleeding to death, etc. When the bracelet is unclasped the full size chain and its contents will reappear. CHIMES OF THE WINDS OF TIME: [S4] A fine and delicate-appearing set of wind chimes, these seven resonant bars are possessed of a terrible power. When struck, each sounds a clear, perfect note, and a certain amount of time passes, within a to foot circle. There is one bar for each of the following time periods: minute, hour, day, month, year, century, and millenium. If strung and/or hit carefully, precise time increments can be obtained. If not, who knows how much time might pass? Perhaps enough for the stoutest steel to crumble into dust, or just a respite for an exhausted fighter, while his enemy freezes in place. Three footnotes will be of special interest--First, the apparatus used to hang the chimes is not immune to the effect of them, so often the only thing to stop a runaway chime will be the disintegration of whatever is holding them up. Second, since chime ring in real (outside the 10' area) time, they can be heard by approaching beings. It is possible, however that they might not realize what is happening, even though they will not hear the chimes within the area. The agin affects only those things stay within the area (beings can walk out, unaffected, and their movements will seem exceedingly quick to those outside). Third, there is a legend stating that the song of these creatures will be the final sound at the end of time. IGOR'S INNER SANCTUM: [S6] This small box (6 x 6 x 6") is sealed with blobs of wax with symbols impressed. (No magic can be detected.) If the seals are broken, the box vanishes forever and a little man appears. He is 4' tall and has thinning hair, a paunch, a round grinning face with a subservient expression, and a voice like Peter Lorre. The little man will grin at the party, then look in another direction and say, "Oh! How nice! Thank you, master!" He will follow the party around, periodically looking into space and asking plaintively, "Now master?" or "Can I, Master?" or "Please master?". On a roll of 1 on 1d6, he will kick a party member in the shins, trip someone, jog their elbow, etc. (On each attack, there is a 50% chance that he will prevent the party from being caught in a trap, attacked by a monster, etc. this will always look accidental.) If 4 turns pass without a favorable die roll, he will begin to whine "Master, you promised!" or he will do something anyway and then cringe and whine "but you didn't say not to, master". He will dodge all attacks successfully, and is 100% magic resistant. Detect spells and true sight, etc. reveal nothing. Nor can his 'master' ever be detected. Igor will follow the party for 10+1d10 days unless he finds something or someone that he would prefer to pester. There is a 10% chance per encounter (cumulative) that he will follow the person or monster encountered. (I.e., on the first encounter he has a 10% chance to switch, on the second, a 20% chance, etc.) Adjustments for party members' charisma are left to the DMO. XP value: Nil gp value: Nil NECKLACE OF BAD TASTE: Though sages argue that this item is more correctly called a necklace of tasting bad, the common name has stuck. This appears to be a magical necklace of unspecified nature until fastened around someone's neck. Immediately, the necklace causes the wearer to emit a terrible odor from his skin. All characters and most monsters within a 10' radius of the wearer will become so uncomfortable with the smell that they must save vs. poison at +2 or become nauseated and unable to attack or defend themselves for 1-4 rounds. Even if the save is made, those within the 10' radius will suffer a -2 penalty on all to hit rolls for as long as they remain in that area. The real value in owning such a necklace becomes apparent when one is attacked by a monster that bites at prey. The necklace affectes any living creatures that is native to the Prime Material Plane. If a monster meeting that description bites the wearer of a necklace of bad taste, the monster will immediately suffer an attack of nausea (no saving throw) and will be unable to attack again for 2-5 rounds (though the creature can flee at half normal speed). That monster will not again bite the person wearing the necklace, but claw, tail, or missle attacks may be used if such are possible for the attacker. One of every four of these necklaces are cursed so that they cannot be unlocked from the wearer's neck once fastened in place. Only a wish will remove a cursed necklace of bad taste. ARMOR OF ACIDIC SECRETION: gives the wearer "acidic skin" destroying weapons that hit him after a battle.