From c1995-1996 I was in a D&D Campaign run by John Finnegan. Adam Bellucci played the multi-sword swinging damage engine Mike Fenton was insidious Melinda Berkman was the ever-vacillating goodie healer I was the overscaled Psionisist Dave was the death-worshipping nit-picker Luke Sullivan was the (occasionally present) warrior-type Bill was the slightly confused musician Jen was the mighty babe! It was a really good campaign, running for 2+ years. We played most Fridays. I played most of the time except, as John will remember, "when I have a date. If I've got to choose between a date and DnD, I pick the date every time!" A lot of the themes from the campaign got brought into the Nero campaign that John would eventually run. --------------------- The Dungeons and Dragons Psionics Handbook from 2nd Edition is WAY overscaled. I remember being sad because, at 5th level, I had a very hard time finding worthy opponents. If a baddie didn't have psi defenses, I could always take them out before combat even started. Here's an example of some of the things I did. Fun with Dimension Doors! I put a Dim Door in a doorway in front of me at my feet. I put the exit of the door near the ceiling, over the first dim door. So when the baddie (some kind of stone creature if I recall) walked through the door, he fell into the door, then out the top, in the door, out the top... until he had been falling 2 rounds. Then I turned the door off and he hit the ground at 200 miles an hour! I built Dim Door chains all over the place. I never had to face an enemy face-on, and our rogue usually got excellent "back-placement" as it were, with those assassinates. I made what looked like wacky Dim Door roller-coasters, sending people wherever they (or I) wanted. You see, at 5th level, I could cast something like 20 Dim Doors before having to rest for a few hours, and then cast them again! I made the hard-to-fight baddies Attracted to the top of a nearby tree, saving him for last. I'd do the old "These aren't the 'droids you are looking for" trick all the time. I had the equivalent of constant radio contact with everyone in the party. I could teleport myself and 1/2 the party to most anyplace we'd ever been on the planet. And after a few hours rest, bring us all back. I could mentally control all the actions and some thoughts of any non-psi person I was within 200 yards of. And all this came about because I insisted on making my psi roll at the beginning of the game. The rules say that every character has a 2% chance of having psi abilities. I told John that I'd drop the whole psi idea if I didn't make my roll...... well, I made it!