From: PEARL::LSONKO "THANK U EATHER BUNNY, BAWK BAWK" 21-APR-1993 06:16:36.27 To: CC: LSONKO Subj: d&d swords Path:!!uunet!!goanna!escargot!!s892341 Short sword of severing, a magic sword with no plusses normally, but is effective against inanimate objects. The sword can be used to instantly sever any rope or chain, and sever any tentacle or tendril of a plant or rock-like monster on a roll of 20. It can also hit any golem as if it had the necessary plusses. Sword of healing, a +5 sword which instead of causing 1d8 damage + str + weapon bonus, instead returns 1d8 + str bonus to damage + 5 hit points back to person struck. It is not possible to tell by merely watching combat that this sword heals wounds for the wounds merely close by natural means, i.e. clotting, etc. This sword cancels the effects of sword of wounding. This sword might be considered cursed until the actual powers of the sword are revealed. Sword of dismemberment, whoever touches this sword unsheathed immediately starts swinging wildly. Each round, the wielder has a high probability of hacking off one of his own limbs or even their head. This cursed sword was owned by Lord Broverick, whose favourite tactic was to disarm a foe, then say "I will not fight an unarmed man", and toss him the sheathed sword, or slide it to him unsheathed with the tip of his own blade. His foe would procede to neatly carve himself up. MageBane, this sword ignores most magical protections. While ordinarily a +1 Sword, it ignores the AC bonuses for: shield spells, rings, cloaks, and bracers of protection. It will go through, but not bring down Stoneskins and Walls of Force. SureBlade, this blade never strikes a friend. On any fumble result where the blade would strike a friend or the wielder, or fly from his hand, treat this as no result. Further, the blade "knows its target", it isn't fooled by illusions, displacements, blinks, etc. If the blade is actually intelligent, it will be reluctant to fight in certain circumstances, such as fighting a charmed opponent, or otherwise beguiled. Ebony Blade, usually a short sword of dark-metal, that turns black at night. It is a +2 blade in light less bright than direct sunlight light. It grants the weilder ultravision out to 90'. It can create darkness 15' radius three times per day. The weilder has +20% hide in shadows, +50% if standing still, and +20% move silently. Coinstealer, an evil +4 golden dagger with what looks like a platinum blade. There is a small amount of tarnish on the blade which writhes in torch light. In shadows and darkness the blade never glints or betrays it's wielder. The blade is intelligent and has the special purpose of acquiring money. It can detect the number and type of precious metals at up to 20' and the number and type of gems at up to 10'. My gnome thief/illusionist came across this nasty piece of work and fell in love with it, especially since the dagger was almost as greedy as he was. "Yeah Boss, the dopey lady with the tatoo has 3 emeralds in her sock and a silver piece under her wig." Matt -- Matt Goodall Famous last words: "Who's the bitch with the spiders?" Famous last words: "I bet your a real wuss without Mjollnir!"