I played this character in a Feng Shui campaign with Mitchell Gross, his (now) wife, Erica and some others in 1999 or so. The campaign ended up being pretty short. The gaming group fell apart due to (the usual) problems with personalities. I don't even remember what the problems were. (such problems rarely matter much in the great scheme of things...) -------------------------------------------------------------- Feng Shui Character Rubigo Vendetta ------------------------------------------- The Masked Avenger, Rubigo Vendetta, AKA Tommy Aiello, middle child in a family of bad people. his family age name father mother 37 Johnnie "Tiny Man" Aiello (Ceasar & Violet) 36 Sonny "Sunno" Aiello (Ceasar & Violet) 25 Tommy "38" Aiello (Ceasar & Violet) 22 Gino Aiello (Ceasar & Corkey) 22 Gina Aiello (Ceasar & Corkey) 16 Lefty Aiello (Ceasar & Corkey) Father: Ceasar Aiello Mother#1: Violet DeVito Mother#2: Corky Marzzone Mistress: Lil Ng Some of the board of directors of the company are: Billy Batts Vito Corleone Danny Vermin Tommy Kelly Micky Malnato Johnnie "Tiny Man" Aiello and the rest of the brothers are slowly taking over their father's Sanitation business, "The Sani-Breeze Corporation". Their main business is hauling garbage out of New York City and placing it in a myriad of landfills. They are also involved in maintaining several parts of the liquid waste disposal systems of the city, working the sewers of New York City. If it'sgarbage, it's Sani-Breeze. Four years ago, Tommy discovered that virtually all of the recycling done by Sani-Breeze never actually makes it to the recycling plants. They've found that there is a lot of money to be made by cooking the books and making it look like they are following the law by recycling. Hundreds of tons of clean bottles and cans and what not are going right into landfills and getting dumped into the oceans and thrown everyplace. And that's not to mention the medical waste being dumped just offshore, the nuclear waste being dumped into the resevoirs, and thetoxic chemicals being poured into subway tunnels. The list is LONG. Tommy couldn't take this. He decided that he had to make this stop. But if he Tommy Aiello tried to expose the family, he'd find himself buried under a few tons of recyclables himself. Everyone from the janitor to Giulliani is involved in this conspiracy. Tommy needed an alter ego to fight the evil of his own family...