In 2000 or so, I thought about making this happen. I didn't feel like I got enough interest. I don't know, maybe I should have made it happen. Maybe someday I will -lee - Talin - Kismet - Dennis - Ken - Patrick - Harold Freundlich - Sergi the Gypsy - Mike I've been toying with the idea of running a "real" one-shot live action roleplaying game. I'm calling out to all players, GM's, DM's and the like to help make this happen. What I need are: - 10-30 adventurers - 10-30 NPCs (yes, a 1-to-1 relationship) - a couple experienced LARPers to Marshalls/GMs - some experienced adventure writers (LARP or Tabletop) to go on the ride of their lives. - props, costume, and pyrotechnics folks that want to make people go "Ohh!" In this world, the players would do things like: hike two leagues at a clip paddle down a river haul -all- their own gear, including food camp in sleeping bags and tents for days at a time climb a mountain scale castle walls battle elements (magical and otherwise) use large scale battle tactics total gaming immersion sneak through the forest lie in wait for the enemy have months and years of work pay off in seconds hike in the dark, during a new moon spelunker swim and dive orienteer not know for sure if there is a marshall around the corner not know for sure if the mundane world is around the corner not know for sure if there -is- a mundane world Think about what most of Lord of the Rings was, days and weeks of walking across the countryside interspersed with moments of sheer terror and insight. It involved making friends in foreign cultures, having to fight totally alien creatures, negotiating with the truely monstrous and nobility alike. That's what makes an epic.