Reverie- Nero in virtual space The Short Guide to Reverie 8/98 by Lee Sonko 1. What the heck is Reverie? 2. When are people there? 3. How do I get on Reverie? 4. After I connect to Reverie, what do I do? 5. I'm having trouble getting connected to Reverie. 6. Once I get on, what do I do? ------------------------------------------ What the heck is Reverie? It's a place on the internet where Nero characters chat with each other and roam about in-game. Imagine a teleconference where people type to each other instead of talking. If you've ever been on the old AOL chat or the(really, really old) Argus chat, imagine that, then add about 50 different rooms to walk around in and all manner of things to look at, pick up and talk about. Reverie adds a little spice to the old chat room. ------------------------------------------ When are people there? People can be in Reverie any time of the day or night. You are welcome to use Reverie as an online meeting place for your friends, your team, whatever! Just tell your friends when you'll be there and they'll meet you there. Just note that only 5 "guest" accounts can be online at once so you'll want everyone to get real accounts. There are 2 "official" times during the week when people meet on Reverie. --Tuesday nights from 8pm-midnight-- --Wednesday nights from 10pm-midnight-- There are usually more people around on Tuesday nights. ------------------------------------------ How do I get on Reverie? The easiest way to get on (and this works for most people) is simply to start up their web browser and go to Follow the short instructions when you get there. If that doesn't work and you can follow these instructions, you want to telnet to port #7777 of If you are on a unix computer, you'd type "telnet 7777" at the command prompt. If you are still having trouble connecting, send email to and we'll figure it out post-haste. Any number of little details might be messed up and I know how to deal with most of them. ------------------------------------------ After I connect to Reverie, what do I do? Log in as a guest. To do that, just follow the instructions when you get on. If you've tried Reverie and want to get a name better than "Guest_Guest", send an email to and give me the following info: - Describe your interest in getting a permanent character - Your real name - What you want your character's name to be. Name must be one word, preferably fairly short. - Your email address - Your home chapter or campaign In a few days you'll be emailed a password to get in. Note that if you abuse the system, your username may be revoked. ------------------------------------------ I'm having trouble getting connected to Reverie. If you have any trouble at all connecting to Reverie, email We'll figure it out. I won't think you are dumb for having trouble, the world is a complicated enough place without learning the intricacies of connecting to a virtual-world. ------------------------------------------ Once I get on, what do I do? See if anyone else is online. If they are, chat with them! Wander around and see the sights! Here is a description of many commands that you'll want to use. Try typing them in exactly as they appear. @who -Tells you who is online, where they are and how long they've been idle. look -Gives a description of who and what are in the room you are standing in. look sign -Gives a description of the sign, assuming there is a sign in the room. "Hi there. -Everyone in the room will see you say Hello! :smiles broadly -Everyone in the room will see you smiling! page gadlen with Hi there -No matter where Gadlen is online, he will see you saying Hello! east -Walk east, assuming there is a door to the east. @quit -Log off the system Here are some more commands that you might use after you've gotten more familiar with Reverie @lastlog -See who has logged on recently. get box -Pick up the box that is sitting in the room. inventory -See what objects you are carrying. help -Gives you info about the large (and sometimes hard to read) help system. help gen-index -Shows a list of lots and lots of commands you can get help on @pagelength / @more -If you are connected via telnet, long messages might scroll past the top of the screen. To read these, set the pagelength. Then, long messages won't scroll too far. IE type: @pagelength 24 then, when a long message starts scrolling, type: @more give box to Gadlen -You hand the box that you were carrying to Gadlen . ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ This message sponsored by the Reverie tourist bureau. ------------------------------------------